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 Nov 2014 Siddhesh
I look to the left, I look to the right
A smell pulls me to a cafe inside
Aware that I'm tired 'cause day's been long
There's nothing more for today to go wrong
I pull a chair to sit with pride

I look to the left, I look to the right
I want, I want, I want something sweet this night
People sitting, chit chatting amidst a loud song
Where else would I rather tonight belong
Waiter brings the menu, I start to read and recite

I look to the left, I look to the right
Brain wants the taste of appealing yellow bright
Yummy for my tummy, baked with crumbles
Run through the gourmet wondering where I'd stumble
Has to be creamy, textured, a heavy slice of delight

I look to the left, I look to the right
He sat by me, "Cheesecake!", he cried
It's shiny, it's delicious, it's lemon, it's moist
Cheesecake it is! There's no question of diet
Why did I not choose this first, right?

He looks to the left, I look to the right
Slides his friendly arm around, I stared back all surprised
Waiter "Here's Lemon cheesecake with crumbles white"
Put a seal of approval? Yes, we might!

We could stare at each other forever alright,
But we'd rather prefer cheesecake; to infinite
For bigger and bigger bite we fight,
As we realise this is our bestest night,
Indulged in smoothness, to heaven we confide
 Nov 2014 Siddhesh
She was born to my mom, with tiny fingers and hands two
Little hairy, big eyes, lashes pretty and ****

I saw her through glass doors and window panes
Wanted to touch her, hold her, squeeze her like an insane

She kicked her legs quick, crawled, the toddler was wise
Innocence blinked from her beautiful eyes

Raw words blurted out of her mouth
"Deedee, Deedee", louder her shout

Carry her around in my arms everywhere
Tell her a short story, round bed we’d share

Made her do all the naughty things
Break some rules, climb up the grills

I played music of an odd band
She tapped her feet, and clapped her hands

Adorable dress I’d make her wear
Barbie doll, so pretty and stare

Seven pony tails, for fun I tied
Few small fights over which we cried

Hot chocolate every night we share
Never knew so much you would care

Don’t ever stop dancing my little Sis
Swing along the wind, pace brisk
I’ll be here if you need to fall back
Hold your hand tight and never slack
You’re my best friend, you’re my soul
Two of us make best of all
In you a little I live
Luck knew what it had to give
Seeds we sow, little plants we grow
Always know, I love you so
 Nov 2014 Siddhesh
Being Human
 Nov 2014 Siddhesh
Big Dreams
Good Music
Expensive Taste
 Nov 2014 Siddhesh
Walk a mile or two from highway down
A school was located in a small town
Summer was very hard to miss
Sun soared up, to give a kiss
Little children came out to play
In break of a boring long day

Evening, teddy bears were sold
Outside the gate, by a man old
Big and small, brown, grey, white
In a black robe for dollars five
One day, kids hit him with a rock
"Defected teddies!", old man they mock

Anger ensued in the mister seller
Love for the kids or rage dweller?
He waited for kids to be good
But long can he live w/o food?
Hurt was his enormous heart
Revenge was this day to start

He picked a knife and killed em kids
Tiny, little, small ****** bits
Tortured, butchered and slaughtered
To hell, the revenge was offered
Stuffed body pieces in big cotton teddy
Killed himself that day very

Years went by, in blink of an eye
Stories told of how kids die
School shut down, high inflation rate
Loud painful noises heard till date
Entrance had tall gates of metal
Midnight, hinges creaking sound settle

Souls of notorious kids scream
"Wake us from this horrendous dream"
They know not they are just ghosts
Hanging in teddy bears, from tree host
And there below sits the old man, black cloaked
Killing new passing kids, in teddies blood soaked
Passing by a park, we happened to have come across hawkers selling teddy bears hanging from a tree. Creepy visual led to writing a horror story.
 Nov 2014 Siddhesh
 Nov 2014 Siddhesh
I reach out to hold beard of this old man,
On balcony edge he makes me stand.
"It's scary Grandpa, don't leave my hand."
"Worry not my child, won't let you fall on this land."

Sparrows chirping as we feed them sprout,
Flying here and there, I laugh out loud.
Pointing to the sky, "Look at that white cloud."
I learned so quick, he felt so proud.

Bought me different chocolates every night,
I'd sit eating happily, enjoying every bite.
Pretty dress, like a fairy, wings he made me wear,
"Look at me now, I can fly, I swear!"

"This is our stable," I point to the grass
Grandpa carried me on his back at last.
Like a horse, he'd ride smoothly on the floor
Five year old rider, shouting "Off to the door!"

Toys on the table, every day a few,
Puppies and bears all red, yellow and blue,
Tricycle and tents, small pillow fights,
Without his kiss, I wouldn't sleep at night.

We stole cashew nuts, while grandma prayed,
Ate them quick, before her eyebrows raised.
Small trips around the city in our car,
So many stories and learnings he'd shower.

Clapped at my dance moves to every song,
Scolded me for everything I'd do wrong.
Fell on my ankle, losing his balance once,
Couldn't walk that day, but I loved him, I'd pounce

We get a call, a call late at night,
My parents pack bags, rush to the airport flight.
Silence hurt every now and then,
Mom and dad didn't know where to begin.

"Grandma, say something!" But she doesn't
He was here and then he wasn't?
So much more to play, and so little time?
I shed tear every time I remember his rhymes
 Nov 2014 Siddhesh
 Nov 2014 Siddhesh
You know she won't leave me
Know she won't leave me
She won't leave me
Won't leave me
Leave me
Leave me
Won't leave me
He won't leave me
Know he won't leave me
You know he won't leave me
What goes around comes back around

— The End —