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shyguypoetry Sep 2017
She growls and thrashes

Concerned eyes follow her sounds.

I hope she's happy...
shyguypoetry Sep 2017
Stop. Take a moment.
Close your eyes and just breathe, here.
Exhale, be present.
shyguypoetry Sep 2017
Isn't it funny
There's a me and I in time
Yet it can't be owned
shyguypoetry Sep 2017
It's hard to soar

When you learned how to fly from

The stones on the ground
shyguypoetry Sep 2017
The people watcher.

Only deemed creepy if caught.

Eye contact? Never.
shyguypoetry Sep 2017
Dear car behind me,
I want medium well fries.
Let's sit together
shyguypoetry Sep 2017
With an open palm
The boy reaches down to grab
His own **** bootstraps
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