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But if you leave, promise me this
Promise me you'll find someone who
Can't wait to hear about the crazy
Dreams you had the night before
Someone who knows about the
Whale birthmark on your thigh
Someone who thinks your laugh
Is the only sunshine they'll need
And your eyes are the only stars
They want to look into at night
Someone who gets giddy when
They think about holding your hand
Find someone who knows the places
Your hands have been and appreciates
their strength they hold despite it all
Someone who understands
Your banter and feistiness
Find someone who loves you for
Who you are not what you have
Overall, if you decide to leave
I hope you find someone
Who can love you in all the ways
I couldn't
I love you so much.
They say you can't save someone
Who's been thinking about suicide
Honestly though no one believes that
Everyone who has dealt with suicide
Blames themselves for the death of the people they cared about
It doesn't always last forever
Though it does stick around for awhile
The depression and the guilt
The feeling that it's going to happen again
Always putting up a wall so no one can ever hurt you again.
Because the pain is just to much to bear
I can't really speak for all of the people
Who've ever dealt with suicide
I think that most will agree though that these words are true  
For me and you
These words strike home
They hit us hard even though we thought we had moved on
Even if we think we're not affected by it anymore
It lingers inside of is
Waiting for the moment it can devastate us.
It's like a curse
Its always there
Even if we're unaware
So why lie and say we are fine
We are most certainly not although we don't wanna admit it but we could probably use some help.
Suicide is life changing
It can wreck someone who has to deal with loved ones doing it.
It can change government policy
Or even world policy.
Suicide is a very powerful topic and action
It's not too be used lightly
Or brought up in a joke
When people realize this
Then maybe something amazing could happen
We could actually save a life maybe.
rain gushes in like a faucet
floods the basement of my brain
some pours out my eyes
most of it just stays stagnant in my mind
blurs faces in glossy photos
forms pools where mosquitos sleep
and **** the happiness out but
jokes on them because there was none to begin with.
his hands trailed down my body like november rain
slow and steady, with purpose, with passion
and before my body knew how to react, we were one.

my heart swells in my chest.
i'd craved this for so long.
i rarely pray

but in this situation i mutter of deities,
breathless, i praise a god i don't believe in
and treat pleasure like religion.
walking down the memory lane
I revived my eternal pain
caught you giving her stare
but you pleaded me to have your share

oh dear me
when you'll be free
every time I visit the memory lane
I find you brewing the same pain

I think its me
who made the history
and you're just
reliving my past!

you're not the one to blame
for my heart that's burning in flame
because of the mistake I made in past
till my last breathe I feel it will last.

let it last however long;
it will and let it come along
coz its the only mistake
for which I'll put my all at stake    

though it hurts to see you in pain
dear me, I'll keep visiting my memory lane
coz as you do
so I love her too!
its the only place
where this soul gets solace!
P.S.- is it compulsory to break down in this last sentence.
Yes I still Love You Madly...
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