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Austin Evergreene
23/M/Nomad    Not apologizing for who I am anymore
Amitav Radiance
Welcome to my world of poetry. My writings are a simple way to express my thoughts and ideas, which emanates from the journey of life. ...
England    Cover photo taken in Cambridge.
F/east coast australia    (*please note all of the work i post here is the intellectual property of betterdays and affilliated names and is covered by copywright law.)
Dark n Beautiful
New York    I am who I am that warm and cuddly a lover of poetry and one lovely lady. that me Dark@Beautiful Perhaps some of my poems ...
g clair
Poetry 2007-2015
Meenu Syriac
India    Doctor, writing poetry as a release from this mad mad world. The poems on this page are the intellectual property of Meenu Syriac. So plagiarism ...
Amanda In Scarlet
London, UK    I love that moment of connection and the lump in your throat when you find a really special poem. And I've read many, many special ...
My words may not always be eloquent, but they are true. Writing to purge my soul rather than to please another is cathartic. Enjoy my ...
Ryan Galloway
I am an awkward mixture of obsolete cultural references and nostalgia. Thats probably the best way to put it. I really like to recycle, so ...
NC    Life provides the contours, poets provide the shading and color ~ r All rights reserved.
25/F    i'm still learning.
Lorraine day
A writer and an artist. A musician as well. In need of a Savior, I was just a shell. I was a heavy drinker. Alcoholic, ...
Raphael Uzor
Lagos, Nigeria    @ralphyloo
Faerieland and in my head    —-██—— Put this on —-██—— your profile ██████—if you’re not -—██—— embarrassed —-██—— to tell others —-██—— that you —-██—— believe in God
2 Corinthians 12:10 Jeremiah 29:11
Petal pie
Brighton, England    Loopy lady loves to muse and converse with others, writes amateur odes from time to time. I love flowers, my kids, making things, my job ...
—-██—— Put this on —-██—— your profile ██████—if you’re not -—██—— embarrassed —-██—— to tell others —-██—— that you —-██—— believe in God
Micahel De Tomasso
Lewisville, Texas    To begin. I'm the one with the white shirt, and my sunglasses hanging on my chest..I was born in Brooklyn, NY. Moved to California at ...
flaming arrow    “The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.” ― Roosevelt / If you could time-travel to a moment in ...
Carl Joseph Roberts
Florida    I now have my first book published called, Through My Eyes. The book is on Amazon, Lulu and Kindle and can be seen and purchased ...
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