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 May 2016 Sharina Saad
I danced in the rain last night
While the storm raged, violent
And I laughed out loud
That finally, my heart was silent
It cries no longer for you
The thunder set me free
The lightning flashed in celebration
With the striking of a tree
The rain kept pouring
While I danced along
To the beautiful tune
Of the wind's whistle song
Poetry is life in motion , a Niagara Falls of words , a super nova of emotions , cradled on the infinitesimal lines of creation .
Love was the lone window lit,
in that long wintry night,
beacon light of his winding path,
the lips that softly whispered and
evoked dreams, that'd become real,
for his wonderment, later, much later.

When he slipped and fell in to
the deep pit of long, endless silence,
love was his ladder to climb
to the rainbow bridge of hope
she used to frequent in evenings
though won't recognize him
not  once, even  for the old times' sake.

Love compelled him to compose,
soulful songs that'd stop the flow of tears,
his eyes never went dry until then
even while sleeping, his head was
on pillows of fire.

Love was the stone wall, that shielded
him from the raging fire of misery,
the rain that came down in torrents
when his long torn, desolate heart
was parched dry in cruel drought
too was love itself.

He was washed ashore alone,
when he heard the whispers,
love was speaking to his psyche
from near in a comforting tone,
then love held his hand,led him
across the marshes and swamp
sharp thorns and stones wounded him
gathering nightmares chased
and haunted him.

And then, love came along, in a disguise,
but his eyes waiting for long recognized,
love, comforted, chanted potent mantras
that helped him endure pain, gave him hope.
Love was his brave charioteer, the messenger
who told that all that was thought lost
is still in his possession as light within.
When there is the hand of love to hold, one is not alone.
 Dec 2015 Sharina Saad
 Dec 2015 Sharina Saad
In poetry I find peace
And a voice that roars
 Dec 2015 Sharina Saad
Things play back in my head a whole lot
whether or not I give them permission to
I try and shut the blinds close my eyes
but they keep on poking through
this time around it's not as scary
just groundbreaking and unsettling
you are alien to me because you are healthy
a change for me I can't see happening
what truth lies before me
is past continually unraveling
I have been ruined by others
emotionally sore rotten to the core
waiting for
something to push me forward
I was always aware of the lessons
that I needed to go through
but slower than I ever handled
because I realized no one else was worth it
but you...
my shell had grown hard
always accustomed to defense
built tiny fences growing tall
protecting myself from it all
enjoying solitude until made to feel small
useless worthless pointless ruthless
I have let my dear fear hold me back from
basically everything
white-knuckled, foam-at-the-mouth
to my bad habits, I cling
but still the universe aligned
with what stirred in the back of my mind
you were right about taking this time
but I can't live this way, not anymore
I have no idea who this is turning me into
but that is not really the point.
Libby is responsible for this, couldn't sleep because she was pulling me towards these words, started to write then I saw she came back on here herself.
I love this woman.

for to see with our hearts
is found by understandin'
visions of truth all within
as the center of all minds

consiousness to be of parts
neccessary as ever burnin'
aswell a knowin' as a feelin'
in the knowledge one finds

there is no other way but that way
in which treasures are to be found
when awaitin' to unfold day by day

a cycle of thinkin' just goin' 'round
no word no deed nothin' to display
my secret onto that which i bound

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 11/11/1436
'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'

as two colours held by a single rose
just next to eachother 'n' right aside
tho of no existence when not beside
together as whole as beautiful arose

as water never mingles while frozen
but even if with Thy will not collides
tho all oceans work only within tides
flowin' into whoever Ye have chosen

for these are rivers full benevolence
to sail upon an everlastin' knowledge
tho misled to have of no beneficence
without understandin' bein' foraged

tho i do not know i will acknowledge
'n' ponder upon a rose's true essence

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 03/07/1436
'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'

fountains arise once ye'll sow
to a faith as strong as truthful
mountains high 'n' rivers flow
to walk alone the very fruitful

there's no fast there's no slow
to a shinin' light as beautiful
where gardens are roses grow
to understand the one blissful

as there's no beauty that doesn't testify
'n' no truth that doesn't firmly confirm
even less there's no atom that could defy

as every time, all occasions 'n' in any term
just go witness 'n' seek clearly to clarify
how everythin' 'n' everyone justly reaffirms

* always...

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 05/08/1436
'a (freestyle meter) Sonnet'
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