It started as droplets on my forehead, It swelled until it poured all over my face, What started as a curiosity became ineludible. Such a sublime, surreptitious, dilemma.
lord witness my testimony i receiveth the holy ghost through my soul and i began to speak in tongues that make the dead bones tremble in their graves oh lord i receiveth the holy ghost from above
I’ve always found it incredibly strange how a group of people at some point in time came up with a plethora of words used to communicate exact thoughts and statements between people yet most of the time I choose not to use them what I really want to say is always left unsaid everything I feel, every way I feel about you is left drifting through the air, never to be touched by another human being and you’ll never know I’ll never know so many things because I’m too afraid to say them but maybe no matter what I say there will always be something unspoken between us so I’ll just let you know some other time
On a cold dark starry night, God grabbed a hand full of stars Turned them into a golden chariot To ride across the Milky Way He walks through other worlds Lord, thank you for my blessings, Because, your hands are full of stars