The old man he sits there pale and gaunt,
His face all scarred, built only to haunt.
The young kids look with dread and fear,
The older ones just taunt and sneer.
Parents look on at him with a scowl,
The braver ones they’ll speak with a growl.
Look at him, he’s a freak and a ******,
He doesn’t belong here the ***** old peado.
Nobody dares to ask his name,
Nobody cares for the reason he came.
They cannot see his lonely tears,
His voice will not carry above their jeers.
His life destroyed while still in his prime,
Himself a victim of a terrible crime.
His children were taken by a beast from afar,
A stupid old drunk, in control of a car.
Two innocent children just walking from school,
Recalled back to heaven, thanks to that selfish drunk fool.
So that old man in the park you are looking to blame,
May simply be, just releasing his pain.
We are all quick to judge when we see things we fear,
Or if we feel threatened for those we hold dear.
But once in a while, just stop and take heed,
For the person we fear, may be the person in need.