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Matt Nov 2014
Male Chastity The Truth Behind The Belt
It is advertised that one of the best ways to control your man and his deviant ****** behavior is to place him in a chastity belt, but is that really the truth?

The idea of male chastity is mostly suggested by the man not the women.  The idea that a woman is going to put her man in chastity because he cheats on her is not the reality of the belt!  One has been lead to believe it is, but the truth is that the man wants to have his ***** locked in the tight device and be controlled by the woman.  In fact most men that go into chastity are looking at it from an ****** stand point rather than keeping him from cheating.  For a woman the enjoyment can come from the fact that yes, she is controlling his ****** to a certain extent, she has power over him, he is hers.....

Male chastity is one topic that is not often talked about or exposed.  The reason why is that there is such a psychological component to it that many people don't really understand.  Sexuality is not just a physical release or a simple role in the hay, to many people who like to have their minds stimulated along with their body they crave more advanced ****** play.

Placing a man in chastity can give the woman control over his ******, but not only that it can be a way for the man to use his denial of  touching himself to energize him  throughout the day.  He knows that he cannot touch himself even if he wants to, and now he is left with pure ****** energy that he has to channel into his work day.

Denial of ****** for a period of time is more psychological than physical.  Men have expressed this to me as a clinical sexologist.  The device locked around their ***** gives them the ability to concentrate better at work and become more successful at what they do.

Another fallacy is that a man is not having an ****** or can't have an ****** while in chastity.  The release can be mental stimulation as well as his ***** swelling in the device causing him to have a  slow drip ******, which for some men is more ****** than a full release.  (sorry men had to let that little secret out of the bag)

If you are a man that has experience with male chastity or wants to learn more please feel free to leave your comment.  For an appointment with Dawn got to The Happy Spouse!

Click on picture for more details, the belt comes in a few different sizes.  Get 10% off at check out by mentioning the happy spouse.
NewCaleBoy Aug 2018
the extermination of the straight white male

soon we will be gone and the remainder carried over into zoos for
“safekeeping,” our DNA and ***** harvested for science purposes

you will be pitched advertisements

send $ to San Diego Zoo so they can save the few remaining
white rhinos (which they neglect to mention are in preserves in Kenya and the Sudan, but send $$ a way)
and the last three straight white guys
(surfer, techie, and an aborigine)
to preserve the species so the world can modify their cells
to stop sexism, racism and other male diseases
gonna maybe mate them with the rhinos,
which will be expensive cause of all the rhinoplasty,

so send me some
money, money, money

whispering wind Jan 2016
Admire the proportions, the features, the confidence.
These are supposed to define the ideal male.
These things have nothing to with my perception of ideal.

When I put myself in that position
I call myself Michelangelo, David in front of me.
I admire his proportions, his features, his confidence.

I throw myself so far into the fantasy, reality becomes a fog.
Enamored by him, his features, our closeness.
I am entranced by him, we transcend into the unknown.

I return to reality, and realize that I've gone too far.
I can't take back the words I've said,
or the time I've spent staring into his eyes.

But I'm no Michelangelo and he is not David.
My inspiration is much closer to my heart.

The love in my heart.
The passion beneath the gaze.
imadeitallup  Oct 2012
Alpha Male
imadeitallup Oct 2012
you can show your teeth
alpha male
you can growl at me
alpha male
you can chase me away
alpha male
but if you follow me
alpha male
I will fashion a coat
from your skin, tiger.
imadeitallup  Nov 2012
alpha male
imadeitallup Nov 2012
you can show your teeth
alpha male
you can growl at me
alpha male
you can chase me away
alpha male
but if you follow me
alpha male
I will fashion a coat
from your skin, tiger.
Black Swan  Mar 2010
Top Dog
Black Swan Mar 2010
Alpha Male, born
Into this the world
To take over, lead,
Show the way, and
Otherwise take charge.
Alpha Male, dominant
By design of nature,
The strong survive, but
Cunning and courage
Have their place too.
Alpha Male, chooses,
Picks only the best, finest,
That is his right;
It is meant to be.
The when and where,
He decides too.
Alpha Male, leader
Of the Clan, where
There is trouble,
Where even savagery
Might be in order,
There he is too.
Alpha Male, born
Into this the world
To take over, lead,
Show the way, and
Otherwise take charge
Until a vibrant, young,
New Alpha Male
Comes along and
Kills the old one.
Black Swan © 2001
Francie Lynch Jan 2019
I was born.
I was born male.
I was born white male.
I was born white, male Caucasian.
I was born white, male Caucasian in a Republic.
I was born white, male, Caucasian, in a First World Republic.
I was born white, male, Caucasian, in a First World Republic,
     in a large, loving family.

I was born white, male, Caucasian, in a First World Republic,
     in a large loving family, and I'll never work as a talking head.
Why, tell me, do all the others have all the luck.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2013
How to read a player?
Just ask your male friends.
They know how to read them quickly.
Cause they are a man.

They will be direct.
And ask you questions too.
Cause men can read one another way better than you.

They will pin point the things he wants to do.
Just ask your male friends just to be truthful.

If your love interest just wants to hit.
Watch your male friend instantly tell you quick.
They was able to do this cause they have read him.

And if he disappears within a certain amount of days.
Watch your male friends advise you to dumb him.
Cause they believe in protecting you from hurt that might comes your way.

For they know how to read a player?
Cause one of your male friends once was like him.

They hunters, seekers and searchers too.
But they will never try to hook up with you.

— The End —