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nivek Dec 2015
this is for another
someone I never met

its freely given
to take or leave

this is a small offering
all I have got

a moments passing
thinking of you

wishing you every good thing
your cup running over

this moment is yours
for now and forever.
Terrance Horsley Jun 2015
For you I make a fool of myself there's no limit or extent to the things I'll do to prove to you just how much I love you.
It's deeper than the bottom, deeper than empty, deeper than below.. My love that is. I love you with every vessel, all the blood, all the oxygen within my heart. I got that cardiovascular love for you, that death bed pull the plug on you, love for you. Because if it means you suffer no more, theres nothing I won't do, there's no limit to the things you make me do. For you.
Isabelle Emily  Sep 2019
Isabelle Emily Sep 2019
Ever sweet and ever loving-
The times were ever changing.
Malicious and fearsome-
The times were dense with resentment.
Tainted and taken;
Downward and mistaken.
Disillusions and inner turmoil-
Took control and destructed with mayhem.
The ever loving and sweet things were long forgotten,
And twisted and made rotten, through the illusions you’ve spoken.
The question remains, what have you to gain?
Perception has been warped and lies wired and reword with the intention to disarray.
The cloths of fabrication wrap perfectly along your body.
The deceit.
The resentment.
The lies;
The ill intentions-
have coveted the means for resonance and rehabilitation
In the sense of self preservation-
In the sense in which you lack and cannot maintain.
If you know then you know
jeffrey conyers Feb 2014
I live for you.
I get down upon my knees and pray to you.
I tell you of ills and my blessings.

Yes, I live for you.
Somewhere in Lamentation ,it speaks truth.
Where it is written that the Lord is good unto them that wait for him?
Plus, the soul that seek after him.

Salvation should be everyone goal.
From the young to the old.

Lord, I live for you.
You trust in us.
We should place our trust in you.

Many know of the power you process.
Your strength alone has pushed us to settle upon giving our best.

I praise you with joy.
Cause I live for you.
Rusty  Mar 2018
Rusty Mar 2018
Wild in many ways & paralyzed with freedom.
All that you hold valuable may be gone
Your job, your spouse,
Your children, your home —
Everything you truly loved
They may all left you in silence.

When you need an encouraging word,
When you desire some level of human assurance,
People you thought you could count on
They may be the first to loosen the grip
Withholding the very thing you need
To help turn your situation around.

Then, never find yourself in this predicament.

Remember this:
Evil tests us
And puts the most pressure on us.
Why? Because He steals, kills, and destroys
Yes, you may found yourself unworthy
But you are one of the most worthy souls –
‘Coz Jesus has died foryou!

Experience the great fires of adversity,
Embrace every grind,
For God is using you
To exalt His Name.

There will be no one to encourage you
It was simply between you and God;
How will you handle the situation?
What’ll be your response?
Will you trust yourself and doubt God?
Will you doubt yourself and hold on to God?
Or will you lose the two?

Why doubt?
If God is for us,
Then who can be against us?
If it’s the will of God,
It will surely happen.

Ask yourself:
What fear do you have?
What pressures you?
To whom d’you really doubt?
Is it yourself?
Or is it the Lord?

Remember how God has transformed you,
How He washed and purified the sins in you
How He lifts you up when the world hated you
How he comforted you
How He satisfies you.

Take it upon yourself
To independently lift your own spirit
Yes, you are going to have to encourage yourself.

Focus upon and have trust in God’s Word
Find out what God has to say in His Word
If God said it, that settles it.

You can count on Him
To do all that He has said.
Do all that you can do.
Make a commitment to the application of His Word
With the truth of God’s love for you,
Again, hearten yourself.

(2/19/13 @xirlleelang)
Jerry Howarth  Oct 2021
God Knows
Jerry Howarth Oct 2021
Gen. 3:9 "And the Lord God called unto Adam and said, "Where
ae\rt thou?"  
Where are you, Adam? Where are you hiding? (JH Para.)

Did God really not know where Adam & Eve were? Where
they were hiding?

Of course He did. He is God and knows all things. In theological
laguage, God is omniscient, there is nothing or no one He does not know.

When Cain killed his brother Abel, God ask him "Where is thy brother Abel? What hast thou done?"

Again, did God not know the whereabouts of Abel? Did God not know that Cain had killed him and buried him in the ground?
Of couse He did, just like He knew where Elijah was hiding and the
exact cave he was in (I Kng. 19: 13) and several other illustrations
showing that you can not play Hide and Seek with God.

Dear reader, God knows all about you; where you are, what you are doing, with whom you are hanging out, what plans you are making.
and God know all about the trials and set-backs anddisappoinments
in your life; He not only knows all about them, He also cares for you

My Sunshine wrote a little chores based on I Pet. 5:7 "Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares foryou." She wrote,"Cast all your care upon Him, cast all your cares upon Him; for He cares for you in everything you do, so cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you."  
               From Jerry Howath's Book of Devotions
flitting Apathy Dec 2020
i scraped my knees foryou

— The End —