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I like the fog during the night
To smell the ice cold and feel the cold
To see that white cloud between my skin
Tangling my brown hair
I like to smell the fog and how he makes a sinister air
To look and feel that breeze covering the old trees and autumm leaves
I like the fog and to feel the cold entering my troat
To say that it reminds me of winter
I like the contrast between the foggy white and the city's light
But I love the scent of fog

- d.a
A cute and detailed steel cage
Because who arrested her knew what he was doing
A steel cage, with curves painted with gold
The girl inside was so pure
Velvet face and autumm colored lips
Flying hair between the bars in an innocent dance
But inside the perfect dance
She was unhappy
Why was so unhappy someone so beautfiul?
Because she was trapped
Nobody should feel trapped
So free her and let her live
Because cages are to fit and not to arrest
Rachel Olivia  Sep 2014
Rachel Olivia Sep 2014
Last year when the leaves fell
So did my heart
Last year when colors changed
My life was rearranged

Autumn was different last year
Than it had been before
Some things broke my heart
And people let me down

I've been dreading Autumn
But here it is now
And Autumm, I'll learn to love you
Except I'm not sure how

It's scary when the seasons
Change your point of view
But this year I'll try
To just keep thinking of You.
Kath Milne  Jun 2020
Trees 🌳
Kath Milne Jun 2020
Trees are like humans they need space to breathe
They reach for the skies and spread shade underneath
Ray's of dappled sunshine spill through their boughs
They stand tall and sturdy protecting the house
The green shoots of Spring grow a Summer display
The deep reds of Autumm keeping Winter at bay
When Winter arrives and they are covered in snow
They are secretly preparing for next years show
So just like a human, if you give love and care
They'll keep giving pleasure for as long as they are there

— The End —