24/M/South Africa
Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. β¦
Planet Earth
Philo-poetic fable of love. Its our journey into self-discovery about true meaning of love. Poems of LOVE for Z Facebook: melancholy.innocence Twitter: melanofinnocent Instagram: melanofinnocent
MY NEW BOOK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53105481-pour-the-whiskey-over-my-heart-and-set-it-on-fire #WEBSITE: bogdandragos.com #INSTAGRAM: bogdan_1_dragos
Hello friend! My name is infamous1! I've been writing for years, its my voice. I'm being more creative no longer self destructive. I started writing β¦
doesn't make any sense/ trying hard to be a poet/ in between- madness and sanity, reality and fantasy. /Twitter, IG & Wattpad : @IGMSOfficial/ Tiktok β¦