Doctor, writing poetry as a release from this mad mad world. The poems on this page are the intellectual property of Meenu Syriac. So plagiarism …
31/Non-binary/Copious amounts of stress
Non-binary rapscallion. I feel what I write and I write what I feel. It’s a sweet and sour profession of confessions, mistakes, and learning.
Pragmatic dreamer, bamboozling conversationalist, digression expert, typo-master, have a compulsion for originality, headstrong, confessional poet, consciously generous, in pursuit of happiness and gloriously mislead by …
St. Thomas, Ontario
Simply ones and zeros on top of more ones and zeros, interpreted by a calculator and compiled into a format better suited for human consumption.
24/M/Enslaved abyss
I have a passion for writing poems. Basically it's a way to help express my feeling other than verbal communication, where in a way i …