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David Lessard
75/M/Prescott, Arizona    Retired. Thirty five years as a Respiratory Therapist Hiker, writer, music lover, photographer (shutter-bug), poet.
Flawless Contradictions
45/F/Michigan    Writing is a reminder that I'm still alive. A hippie with a gypsies touch. Hollow, trying to embrace the earths saliva. Ask me anything I'm …
23/M/Insomnia    The only one who can adore love the most is the one who has been loveless his entire life...
Mark Wanless
mpls, mn    i am 64 now been writing since 19 some poems are okay, some are not you choose
35/F/Somewhere Over the Rain    I'm an adventurer who never stays put long. My poetry is from my traveling experiences, heartbreak, my hopeless romantic nature, and from God who has …
Pearl of the Orient Sea    All written the works © B.L. All rights reserved.
Hopeless Outlet
34/M/NYC    Someone who needs an outlet.
Los Fucking Angeles    Post-punk digital disaster. SoundCloud
martin, TN    My writing may seem a bit strange for my age, but I had to grow up fast to survive.
Alessandra Vargas
34/F/Mexico    Words kept hostage inside Can cause explosions. But, words let out in the wild Will create entire universes.
20/Australia    They say the quickest way to a persons heart is when you've personalised the attack
and so it is
122    Useless degree.. how long before you end up in porn sensual Jane?
Toothless Nono
Somewhere in Asia   
hopeless romantic
24/Fayetteville, Arkansas    either in love, or heartbroken; there was never a grey area for me.
Hopeless Wonderland
Michigan    I miss you Alex 11/15/13. Rock in peace babes. What of me is enough for you?
i like writing poems for everyone and try to bring enjoyment and make people feel happy after reading
Endless Horizon
MNL    Each day is a gift from above. So make each second, each minute, each hour, each day, worth living for.
F/Pittsburgh, PA.    I write, because it feels right...

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