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Kimmy-Nichole Feb 2012
I remember you,
I think of you.
You cared about  me and every thought I ever had,
You helped me make sense of what I was dealing with,
even though neither of us could at that time.
There wont ever be anyone like you in my life I rest assure
I stand tall and reminis on our time together
and feel the haunting of your presense everytime I write.
Mecca  Nov 2014
Mecca Nov 2014
Nothing's the same. Everything change

Different ways of thinking. All of the feelings sinking.

So Distance.  Feels  like there's no existin.

All I can do is reminis...

But what about, if it's always been this way. I would see him but he'd be out by day.  Always visit but never stay. N I would always sit n just wait.

I'm still waiting

For a change
But I know that's something COMPLETEY insane
Shannon Jeffery May 2014
I reminis times of beauty
That we never truly had
Diamond Johnson Apr 2014
People never knew just how much he meant to me and you
They knew him by name, but it's still not the same

His eyes so bright, his smile so wide
We always let him know we were right there by his side

Now he's gone from me and you
Now we have no reason to be blue

We loved him, he loved us
And we have to try not to fuss

He said goodbye and gave you a kiss
Now all we can do is reminis

Why does God take the best to love
Up to that great big world up above?

His memory will never leave
His kind and gentle smile will always be seen

Never forget him, never let him leave your mind
Tell him you love him, just one more time.
Roxy Sky  Jul 2015
All this time
Roxy Sky Jul 2015
When I write all of my poems I think about you,
Then I read the ones you wrote me and reminis on all the hell you put me through,
Its been over a year and four months and you still have my heart,
I still can't get over it my life is in pieces and my head ripped apart,
I know you can tell when I'm desperate to talk to you that I'm withering away,
Please send something back I know you haven't run out of words to say,
I'm begging all I need is some closure,
I can no longer fake this smile and keep my composure,
Im not yet sure how this can be achieved,
I only know I need to ease this pain and be relieved,
You think she loves you more than I,
But in reality you know she never will you're living in a beautiful lie,
All I'm asking for is a few conversations I just need a little time,
I know you still love me I write about it everyday with a rhyme,
So please give me one more chance,
Just promise me you'll stop trying to get in every girls pants.

— The End —