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Big Virge Dec 2019
I'd Rather Feed Brains Than ... " ENTERTAIN " .... !!!!!  
How Many Who Do Now Use ... ******* ... ?!?  

I'm Saying ... I'm SAYING ... !!!  

These People Maintain ...  
That Doing ******* Helps ... raiSE Their Game ... !!!  
They ... ENTERTAIN ME ... !!!  
They're ... Ever So FUNNY ... !!!  
When Acting Like ... DUMMIES ... !!!  
From Poets On Stage ...  
Who NEED To Be ... "CAGED" ... !!!!!!!!!  
To Girls These Days Who Do ENTERTAIN ... !!!!!  
Words From Their Jaws Now EXPOSE Their Flaws ... !!!  
"I'll send you a text later on this week,  
then give you a call, so that we can meet definitely !"
But What's In Their Mind ...  
Are CLEARLY Some Things of A DIFFERENT Kind ... !!!!!    
"You said you would ring, it's been two weeks !  
What happened to you, now you want to speak ?"  
"I've had some issues !"  
"Yes, clearly you do !  
Don't try to play me,  
i'm no Rubix Cube !"  
"You're so cynical, and really, quite rude !"  
"Hey, i'm not the one who said, I would call you !  
So you deserve to hear some truth,
be careful now, watch your attitude !"  
Actions Like These Should Give You  Some Proof ...  
That Girls ENTERTAIN ... When Acting The Fool ... !!!  
YES Men Do It Too ... !!!  
But Trust Me Girls ...  
I'm ... NOT THAT DUDE ... !!!!!  
My Movements Are Shrewd ...  
And DON'T Entertain In .... " Foolish Ways " .... !!!  
I'll Say It Again ..... !!!  
I'd Rather Feed Brains Than Just ... " ENTERTAIN " ... !!!!!  
I'm Not Frasier Crane I DON'T Do ******* ... !!!  
My Wordplay Displays A Clever Array ....  
While Most Now Want To ... ENTERTAIN ... !!!  
From Women To Men MANY Are The Same ... !!!  
And Feed Me Lines That Deserve A  REWIND ... !!!  
I'm Saying Some Folks Are ... " LOSING THEIR MIND " ... !!!!  
Check These TRUE Stories Told In Rhyme ....  
"What time will you be there ?"
I Get Via Text ...  
"What time will you be there ?"
Is What I Then Sent ....  
So Next I Get These Words In Text ...  
"I'm gonna move soon,  
chill and have a drink when I get in."
I Send ....  
"Alright cool, i'll have one too !  
I'm gonna be late, because of train delays !"  
I Get ... " No REPLY " ... ?!?  
And When I Arrive ...  
The Girl Who Was Texting Is ...............................................................  ­
................  ..............................................­..... NOWHERE In Sight ... !?!  
I Then Send A Text ...  
"Where are you ?"   
From My Mobile Tool ...  
"She's stuck on the road, traffics moving slow ... ???"  
Which Goes To Show ...  
What Comes From Those Who SNIFF The Coc' ... !!!  
Things They Quote Just Give Me Jokes ... !!!  
They Make Manoeuvres That STINK Like Manure ... !!!  
These Stories I TWIRL Are YES The SAME Girl ... !!!  
Of Course I'm Now Thinking She's In ... " Her OWN World " ... !!!  
Now Here's The LAST FIX of This Youthful ***** ... !!!!  
Easy Now .................. CALM DOWN Feminists ... !!!  
SHE Chose To Enlist The Usage of ... " ***** " ...  
When Using Her Mouth ...
To Speak About HOW ...
She Acts Like A COW ... !!!  
One Night I Asked .....  
"Why do you act like you're on crack !  
Trust in this madame, men like me, aren't into that !"  
I Then Chose To Say ....  
"Wherever the wind blows each day, makes you sway,
and then you're swiftly swept away !"  
She Then Said ....  
"I'm an addict of living organic,  
where nature sways, is where i'll play !"  
I Guess That's Cool At The End of The Day ...  
But Then, Of Course I Had To Say ... !!!  
" You do entertain, Coc' isn't organic !  
So don't try to say, that natural ways affect how you live,  
from day to day, for heavens' sake girl, give me a break !  
I've got things to do, so, be on your way !"  
She's Really Quite Young ...  
And Could Be Some Fun ...  
I'd Like To Find Out What She's All About ...  
But Only When SENSE ... Comes Out of Her Mouth ... !!!
I'm Saying Folks ...  
This Girl Gives Me JOKES ...  
Through The Things She Quotes ... !!!  
If You HAVEN'T Laughed ...  
" Do You SNIFF The Coc' ?!? " ....
I'm Saying ... I'm SAYING ... !!!  
I'd Rather FEED BRAINS ...  
Than JOIN The Brigade ...  
Who Say ... STUPID Things ...  
That DO ....  
..... " ENTERTAIN " .....
People REALLY are very entertaining, when all's said and done !
Qweyku Jul 2014
I googled the word entertain, realised my mistake,
made a decision to walk in wisdom and be kept safe,
refusing to entertain fear; choosing to entertain faith.

entertain - ɛntəˈteɪn/ verb:

1. provide (someone) with amusement or enjoyment.

2. Give attention or consideration to (an idea or feeling).

To: consider, give think about, contemplate, give thought to, bear in mind;

Antonym: REJECT!

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Fear vs Faith