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Crandall Branch
20/M/Frenso    poetry junky and crab farmer please leave feedback on my work :) i always reply to comments
Sarita Crandall
Violet Crandall
Utah    • and so I write every word that's ever pleased me, every spilled mess that's dirtied my existence, every dream that's clobbered my ability to …


Crandall Branch Nov 2017
“You don’t sleep enough”
I won’t be tired
Until 12 am,

And then I wake
Covered in monsters and shadows
That are realer than I am,

And then I can’t sleep
Until the windows are open,

And I can breathe again
And I wonder
Why I’m so tired
The next morning.
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
authors note
Hey Everyone! This is a little peom I made with one line from each of my peoms fused together. It's a little strange but I wanted to represent all of my work. I hope you like it!!! Crandall*

I feel safe with your power
You chomped me and swallowed me whole
you're pitch dark eyelashes, like pitch dark strings
your kindness, happiness, gorgeousity

corporations are evil
crandall's art was super great
our wurld is a mess

you whispered it in my ear as soft as a pillow that i have just fluffled by beating it
i hear your screeches as you sing along to katy perry's "swish swish"
towers of grape, rolling bouncing
my fingers would slide down it like a sheet of paper on a river of melted butter

paper-thin beetle wings,
i love the little *****

eggs remind me of you
the next day i saw you your eye was the size of a glob of clove powder
Or an ant on a log

That was your licky number,
Don't be ashamed of your hobnobs.

I pear down and see its little legs trembing, shaking in death
the repriduction of the universe
howdy doo
my princess, my darling, my murderer

the ocean, salty like my tears
My thoughts were running wild like snip snip
i  g u e s s  t h i s  i s  j u s t  a  c r u e l  w o r l d

i smell you
take the nuts
Your kneecaps
hope you like this strange peom i created!
please leave feedback and comments below! :)
Crandall Branch Oct 2017
there once was man named crandall
he grew up and caused quite a scandal
he had a fight with his girlfriend
she left him for another man
so he became a vandal

crandall's art was super great
he wrote everywhere, even on crates
then the police came searching
his self-esteem went lurching
how many years did he go to jail? eight.
autobiographical limerick duo
please leave feedback and comments below