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Jessica Head Sep 2015
Why oh why oh why
does my tummy feel like its upside down today
I am lonely
for him
I am sick
There is this other guy
that wants me
but he's a dog
no good.
It's best if I leave for awhile
Go stay in town with my sister
then again I'd leave to Regina
Cause I'm lonely
And I'm really ashamed
Maybe I'll go back to Saskatoon
visit my dad
I got till January to go where ever I want to go
January, I'm starting a course in Melfort with my mum
Make some money
and buy a truck, tv, game console, and beautiful good looking clothes
I will treat myself
to a new life.
That course is for unemployment work or something like that.
I can travel with my mum
all the time.
I'll get over him
I had a miscarriage
I'm sorry to those mothers out their
I wasn't ready
not with him
I loved him
Our relationship was falling apart.
it was the best choice to separate
I'm to young to be with him
I can't tell
it's hard to explain
I am looking forward.
I could say that I **** some bad paths in my life.
I'm more sober than ever today
I just want to leave
Lost today though.
I pray for myself and struggles to be taken care of, and for peace & happiness. Forgive me dear Creator, And Lord Jesus Christ for my wrong doings.
I love myself
I just feel so lonely...
Meka Boyle Aug 2012
Liquid silence flows between the cracks,
The awkward pauses and terse remarks ,
Of our cordial conversation.

My lips fumble as words  scratch at their soft corridor,
The taste of discomfort and failure is salty,
Yet reassuringly human- alive.

You didn't do anything wrong,
Your perfectly placed hesitations and irony
Fell stagnant in the bitter pool of my expectations.

You couldn't help the way things went,
Self sabatoge danced sweetly on my lips,
Fates sticky web couldn't hold back deliberation.

Being with you, in this room,
Is the epitome of wide open loniness-
The kind talked about in books and eulogies.

It's elusive presence envelops me
As sentences fumble out of my mouth like gravel:
Unclear and unintentional, too genuine to matter.

I'm not sure how much more I can handle,
How many perfectly sane stories I can to listen to
Without spilling off the brink of sanity.

It's not as bad as it seems out here,
There's something charming about being utterly alone,
Something unexplained and unattainable
In this wide open loneliness-
DaRk IcE Dec 2015
Darkness falls upon a corpses shell deep in the coldness of the ground
Chemical transformations inspired while circulation has ceased
Melting flesh pouring off ridiged starved bones, profile slowly decomposing
Your person disappears and you are now just a body
No longer able to be identified, only by dental records
The world keeps turning as always and each day you vanish a little more then the day before
Your spirit stands over your body, not even recognizable
Yet, the old you is lost
Still you behold a smile as the pain drifts off
The bad memories fade, the loniness subsides
A corpses shell you remain
A free spirit you are...
KD GrAMcRacKer Sep 2015
Hiding the hurt, hiding the pain
Hiding the tears that fall like rain
Saying I'm fine, when I'm anything but.
This ache in my soul rips at my gut.
My skin is n fire, I burn from within.
The calm o my face is an on going sin.
The world must stay out, I've built up a wall.
My fragile lie will collapse should it ever fall. Loniness consumes me, it eats away the years.
Until my life is swallowed by unending fears.
Waiting for someone to see I wear a mask. And care too much to remove it, is that too much to ask?
-Katheryn Graham
Mayra Castillo Jun 2015
Thank you, Dear Lord.

For sheltering me from the storm.

For embracing me in a sweet fatherly caress.

For shielding me from my enemies.

For providing food, for my hungry being.

For guiding me towards the light.

For walking alongside me, so, as to ease my loniness.

For revealing your ways to me.

For keeping my loved ones safe and warm.

For  loving this sinner unconditionally.

For your suffering on my behalf.

For giving your life for me.

Now, tell me oh Lord, what can I do for you?


Mayra Castillo
Liz  Feb 2014
What I'll never say
Liz Feb 2014
I have a lot to say
But my voice breaks under the weight of these words.
I have no sounds,
No syllable,
That can comprehend the complexity of my thoughts.
They don't make sense
Not even to me
Every jumbled up mess of a notion
Swims around in this clouded abyss.
For a long time I put on this facade,
This mockery of the truth.
I tell you I'm happy
I tell you it's because of you.
But nothing can save me from drowning
From the fire
From the storm .
And I'll tell you I love you
Because it's what you want to hear.

I don't tell you how I wake up from nightmares,
Terrified and out of breath.
Only to crawl my way to the sink and
Disappoint you with what I'm about to do
I take them
I take them all
One by one I count them as I swallow
It makes me laugh it makes me smile.
It makes me cry because the drugs don't make up for a lack of feeling
They do not fill me with the fancy yet crippling ideal light that they told me about.
They just remind me of my loniness

These jumbled up notions scream
They cry
They laugh
I'm drowning
But you can't save me and I'll tell you I can
Because it's what you want to hear
Filled with light
Full of life
Her voice should be heard

She doesn't need pity
Only open ears
She needs to held

She stands in depression
I empathize
She soaks herself in the rain
camouflaging her tears
I take her
I take her inside

She has a voice that's needs to be heard
Behind her words
The loniness is displayed
Behind her tears
there's chaos

Her mind is beautiful
But troubled
I understand her meaning
I'm her open ears

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Zac Truskowski Apr 2016
I have felt alone since I was a child, but my childhood was filled with smiles. I remember laying in my bed, all these thoughts running through my head. Thoughts that would make a grown man go wild but at the time I was just a child. Surrounded by family and bliss, yet I felt like something was a miss. My mom is the reason for this. Seeing her sit in her wheelchair makes me wanna cry and yet I know all she wants to do is fly. Growing up faster than most made me feel like the out cast like a mother trucking ghost. I feel like my loneliness made me mature faster. However, all I heard was laughter. From kids in my class who didn't understand. Kids in my class that made made me feel dumb but, all I did was bite my tounge. After a while I started to believe that my loniness did achieve making me feel small and wrong, like I was on the wrong end of the tongs. Now I'm 22 and still stuck in this loop.
Cecil Miller  Jan 2018
Empty Cup
Cecil Miller Jan 2018
Slow tempo

You'll dream about the love you give up.(Em)

You'll wonder why you have an empty cup. (Em)

(Am)                 (F)
You'll feel the fire;
(Am)                 (F)
You'll feel the fire
(F#) (Cm) (Em)
Of loniness -

You'll see visions like saphires in the night.

You won't be able to sleep though the night.

You'll know the cold,

You'll know the cold

Of loneliness -

I should have gotten myself away from you.

I shouldn't have given of myself to you.

You'll feel the fire;

You'll feel the fire

Of loneliness -
I wrote this on my accoustic guitar in December. It is coffee house blues.
Vale Luna Jul 2017
Over stays
But I
Mya  May 2017
Little Trick
Mya May 2017
Maybe he took too much
More than he deserved
Little gaps in my heart
Filled for just the tiniest moments
He took it from me
All the loniness
Maybe then replace it,
Even by no fault of his own,
With the emptiness
kodakkeiru Nov 2018
Chirps welcome the dancing rays of the sun
The whispering breeze and break of waves
The twinkle of your eyes and the tingle in under my skin
Are close like kin
You smile and kisses
crown me king
building belief in myself
If she is by herself and loniness creeps in I fight back the darkness of sorrow,
my bliss she can have not just borrow

— The End —