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dogs eat at the night
buried in the yard
they chase the moon in a pack
the white of their teeth
compared to stars

the windows close against them
iron bars in transparency

life closes against them

the morning will crush them to dust
with only the wind left
to stir them up
And then the day came,
when the risk
to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful
than the risk
it took
to Blossom.
She spoke gibberish
words I did not understand
We shared great laughter
 Aug 2020 Shadiya Zubair
On nights like this,
I stare blankly into earth,
Watching your dreams.
Tears in my eyes
Cause a new day will dawn on you
And you'll have done nothing,
To get closer to the one in your dreams.
If only I had a chance to love like all of you but I am here to wish you goodnight and smile you to sleep. These nights are lonely for me, sometimes I wish I was sun.
you try to hurt me?
It is impossible to break me anymore.
and if you hurt me,
every scar of mine will build my throne,
and when i rule i will hold my scepter and
c r  u  sh  
                                                                                   y o  u r
             v e  r  y
 Aug 2020 Shadiya Zubair
All the memories float in front his tear blind eyes
As his father steps in heaven.
It's not easy to lose someone.
My favorite moment in a day
Is right before I fall asleep

When I look up
I could finally see the nightsky

Not that I have no ceiling
But I choose to see the stars behind
There is more than what meets the eye ;)
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