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We're not allowed to mention Christianity
A Muslim man discusses Allah, we can't judge.Black people have pride in themselves, so do white people .We're automatically racist and unaccepting. A man gets hired for a high paying job instead of the women.This is a case  for feminism because it's injustice. A man cheats on his partner, he has hormones.A woman cheats on her man, she's a *****! A woman is ***** she's making it up.A man is ***** no one believes him. A gay person is disliked by a certain individual .It's homophobia, a black man kills someone and the whole race is blamed, a white man kills someone he's just a ******. You say crusty old white men are making decisions about your body.Should he change his race then decide if you can reproduce? I'm eating Sushi and I'm not Asian, it's cultural appropriation and it's  offensive so only Asian people can eat at Asian restaurants? That reminds me of when segregation was going on. We have a right to our opinion but I say something I'm instantly prejudice and you don't want hear it. I made the wrong assumption now I'm a horrible person because you feel that you can monitor my thoughts. You all think that you're all for social justice but it's really going to come back and bite you in the ***.
Everytime I close my eyes,
The picture of you comes to my mind,
Floating in the air,
From everywhere,
Everything around me reminds me of you,
And I lose myself in the memories of you..
The park-bench still fits us perfectly,
And this world has taken 7000 turns, changing everything but me
The stubbles in my face make me look a little older,
I have grown a little taller,
Lost my hair, gained some weight,
And I am losing a little bit of myself everyday but, I am still the same old person you loved back then
Every breath that I take, takes me a little closer to you,
Nothing is certain here, I do not know if you're a million breaths away or two
My friends want me to move on,
To take a step forward every day,
Arms wrapped around my shoulders,
Sometimes, a soft grip-  a silent assurance of their presence,
A sweet promise to always be there
And that is just what you did
This love is more than those three words that sick men these days use to capture beauty
And this body is more than blood, muscles and bones,
Death was not powerful enough to **** your soul
You are everywhere, in every thing
With me
We are still strong enough to melt stones
I asked the sun to cast his light,
Only then will she open her eyes,
Cocooned in her blanket sleeps my butterfly

The sun said," I do not want to burn the dream off her eyes,
Let her wake up first and only then will I rise"
I looked out over the lake today
the wind whipping the water into a froth
of whitecaps and waves that I thought
only an ocean could own--
and suddenly it dawned on me...
As long as I have this beautiful lake,
the land and trees and the sky above--
I'll never really be alone.#
 Feb 2016 Scarlett Tropical
before you **** yourself,
just remember
that there are
places you have not been
and things you have not seen.
and poems to awe
art to draw
fields to walk through,
people to talk to,
music to take in,
games to win,
and books to be read.

so why,
oh why
do you wish
to be dead?
it's your life
but the people
around you
get hurt too.
You interlocked your fingers with mine
And you said it was love.
You pressed your lips to my forehead
And you said it was love.
You gave me wilted flowers
And you said it was love.
Your words clutched at my throat
And you said it was love.
Your hand slipped and left a red mark
And you said it was love.
You left a bruise this time
And you said it was love.
You broke my wrist now
And you said it was love.
You shoved me into a mirror
And you said it was love.

I'm lying cold in the ground now
And you still said it was love.

Sit alone—take a sip.
Lean back—take a sip.

Enjoy the shade—take a sip.
Look around—take a sip.

Pet the dog—take a sip.
Sit alone—take a sip—and drink beer.
 Oct 2015 Scarlett Tropical
"save me"

                                                                                                   "from what?"

 Oct 2015 Scarlett Tropical
what doesn't **** you
doesn't make you stronger

it doesn't do anything at all

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