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 Jul 2018 sassenach
Some men make me worry
Degrading treatment towards women seems to be ok
On their behalf I would like to say sorry
This kind of bahaviour needs to stop today

As a guy it sickens me
The sheer amount of disrespect
Rating women, calling them a lousy three
Something in your head must be defect

The other day I heard a colleague say
Don't worry about their names
I'm saving them by the codes
Each letter leading me on different roads

"S" means hot, "X" is for a one time use
I was aghast, no I was shocked
In my opinion this is resembling abuse
After that further chat had to be blocked

A dark day for a believer of human dignity
No human should be reduced to an object
Fellow men, stand up when facing this immorality
This is a wrong we need to correct
I wrote this poem about half a year ago after being confronted with the above mentioned situation. I was debating whether I should publish this poem at all, as there are a lot of poems popping up especially in regard to the "me too" and "time is up" movement and I did no want to "jump on the train" so the say. However, I think it is important to stick up when facing wrongs like these no matter if this relates to women or men alike.

Cheers to the believers of human dignity!
I have loved you with my all,
In my heart, I have adorned you,
In my soul, I have lifted you up,
And still, I will love you.

You are the beauty of my life,
The true splendor of my being,
The adulation of my heart,
Why worry about your beauty now?

You are a reflection of true virtue,
You are the true creation of a Queen,
A virtuous woman, indeed,
Why do you fret over your architecture?

I have loved you the way you are,
I have honored you just as you are,
I have held you to me as you are,
Always cherished you for who you are.
Love goes beyond the physical beauty..for beauty fades like an old rose
The world is full of pain and inadequacies,
Dripping with many an evil men,
Whose hearts burn with ungratefulness,
Whose desires are only but selfish.

What if, amongst these men,
You came out and stood alone?
Released light amidst darkness,
Radiated your goodness in every corner.

What if you became generous and saved,
Those who are persecuted by the wrath of lack?
Stopped for a while and helped the old woman,
Trying to cross the street while others mock her.

What if you, you never judged anyone?
But showered them with fountains of love,
Made them realize who they are,
And what they can do to change the world.

What if, you appreciated everything around you?
Even if they caused much pain for you to bear,
Is it not what the Good Lord commanded us?
In everything give thanks, always.

If you can honor everything however small they are,
If you can love everyone whoever they are,
If you can learn the art of gratitude in everything,
Then your life would be simple and fulfilling.

© May 2018, Boygene Borice
If we can see the world in a different way, we can live in a peaceful and tranquil way
Times may tarnish on you,
Seasons may break your heart,
But give in to no weakness,
Stay strong, for the Lord says so.

You may fall many times,
People will mock you of your failure,
But give in to no self-pity,
Stay strong, for the Lord says so.

Every way may be so dark for you,
Every path you take halts,
But give in to no surrender,
Stay strong, for the Lord says so.

Only the strong in the Lord survives,
Those who can persevere,
Will feed on the goodness of the Lord.

© May, 2018 Boygene Borice.
Weakness is not an option in the game of life

— The End —