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 Jan 2020 sage
harlee kae
 Jan 2020 sage
harlee kae
new year
overcast sky
cold surrounds me
i want to cry

i try to be different
i try to find change
but embracing joy
is foreign and strange

living's still hard
when will that stop
i submit to the challenge
to not be a prop

in my own life
i will take back the lead
i will rattle the stars
seek adventures i need
crazy that the first two paragraphs were written before counseling and the last after.. close your eyes. breathe. find someone to talk to and live your life.
 Apr 2018 sage
ghost girl
how often I find myself
feeling buried yet I never
find myself a shovel.
I have two good hands
and one rabbit heart
and it's so hard to
find air beneath
water, but I try.
dog paddeling
hard enough that
I never quite sink but
always right on the
cusp of running out
of breath. I find myself
holding paint brush
above canvas but
nothing ever paints
itself the way I see it
in my head and my
words, pen poised
above paper, never
elicit the view of my
mind or quiet the tornado
in my soul.
 Apr 2018 sage
Let go
 Apr 2018 sage
Hold on, clutched in sweaty palms.

No, let go, let it all wash away.

On the shores of yesterday.

The memories are like knives.

They'll **** you if you don't let go.

It's okay.

Cast them out into the sea.

Let the wave swallow them whole.

Forget the people who left you.

Who hurt you.

Who forgot you.

You can't forget about them.

They haunt you in your dreams.

You try to make a heart connection.

But they are distant.

This is why you must let go.


And you'll be free.

You don't need to carry the weight of your pain.

If you give it up you'll be light.

You'll be free.

Doesn't that sound appealing?

I know it's difficult to do.

But just get used to life being transient.

And go with the flow.

Because in the unknown.

You could find your greatest bliss.

Sure, there's tons of uncertainty.

But uncertainty isn't bad.

Anything could happen.

You could even become happy again.
 Apr 2018 sage
Srijani Sarkar
I sold this moment
for the price of

momentary happiness.

Memories are not refundable.
#today #now #moment #memories #time #life #people #momentary #happiness #bliss #refundable #price
 Apr 2018 sage

i want to buy these mice a home so
that their presence helps keep the table clear
i think i’ll place it in the gap between the door and the floor
in the hopes of keeping the noise out and
of having at least one of us feel
a sense of being welcome

the paper bags in my hands wouldn’t feel
heavy if they knew where they were going maybe
and hitting my head against the bed again doesn’t stop me from
showing off the letters on my chest although
i’ve been known to miss the mark

if there's a spark in her eyes it’s 'cause she stole the light from mine
but i like the cold because it makes me feel alive

my favorite part comes around
when the two trains meet and for a second
i can catch a glimpse of everyone’s place in the world
before we’re whisked away to
our respective loneliness

or maybe it’s where the streets
run narrow like those in the places where
connection, if anything, tastes a bit more genuine
it's quite polarizing but this time i’ll seek
comfort in the grey of it until it
all comes rushing back

they say home is where the heart is so this probably still isn’t it
but it will do for now

[new york city] | [definition of home] | [pursuit of cold]
 Mar 2018 sage
Grand Piano
 Mar 2018 sage
Grand Piano
Step 1: Get out of bed
Step 2: Look in the mirror
Step 3: Practice your smile
Step 4: Eyedrops to hide the red eyes
Step 5: Conceal the dark circles
Step 6: Breathe
The curtains are almost up
Step 7: Lock down the pain
Step 8: Ignore the weight on your chest
Step 9: Silence the screams inside of your mind
Step 10: Choke down the sobs
Step 11: Ignore the stinging in your eyes
Step 12: Swallow past the tightness in your throat
You’ve put on this show a million times
Step 13: Don’t let them see
Times up. Curtains up. Camera rolling
You know how when you’re not ok but you try so hard to pretend you’re ok that it becomes a ritual
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