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 Apr 2016 Ronney
Vanessa Gatley
Where I could
Lose myself. Outside
Away from ur
Pictures that
Never tend to
Leave my mind
I'll just lay here
 Apr 2016 Ronney
 Apr 2016 Ronney
I made a choice today,
To no longer hold on to memories of you.
I made a choice today,
To no longer let thoughts of you hold me back.
I made a choice today,
To take back my life from regrets about you.

I made my choice today,
To move on,
To be happy.
I've finally learned that happiness is something you have to choose to be. You have to make the conscientious choice to be happy
 Apr 2016 Ronney
From the stars in the sky
Through the atmosphere
To all the tall trees
That grasp the ground

The ground that holds our feet
And gently holds the sea
Down very far underneath
Layers of rock and molten lava streams

Down to the very core
That twists and turns
Its own heated center
The Earth is alive
 Apr 2016 Ronney
to pieces
 Apr 2016 Ronney
you are a burden in hands,
a weight on shoulders,
a heaviness in heart

let go
everyone will fly
 Apr 2016 Ronney
next time
 Apr 2016 Ronney
just a leaf left
on the pillow next to me
now, a whisper of smoke
vapor tracing your path

out the door
going back to the
limb I stole you from,
the place you must return

I rake my bed for more,
try to make
a place
for you to fall

again, next time.
 Apr 2016 Ronney
I don't want to feel numb
I'd rather feel pain
than nothing at all
So don't judge me for wanting to bleed
I don't want to feel numb
I'd rather feel pain
than nothing at all
Don't yell at me for relying on a blade
I don't want to feel numb
I'd rather feel pain
than nothing at all
Don't look down at my scars
I don't want to feel numb
I'd rather feel pain
than nothing at all.
Inspired by the song "Pain" by Three Days Grace
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