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It's hard to hear,
"I love you"
when it's only
lies that spill
out of your mouth;
a bittersweet moment that
I would rather sit in silence to
then witness.

And you'll never care that
I'm drowning,
only that I
hold your head
above the waves
as I sink a little deeper
with every break in the sea.

But I will continue
to love you
with every ounce
of my being
because my heart
holds no sympathy
over me.

-k.w//worlds apart
 Sep 2015 Robson Guy
The world cries
For the mother, who works
And works,
And had dreams
That did not involve
Cement walls,
Cement floors,
Cement ceilings,
Torn muscles,
And numbness in
Her hands.

Those beautiful,
Calloused hands.

There's a guy out there
With no home
Or family to claim,
But he'll rob her
For all she's worth
If it means to damper
The hunger and

He knows a "doctor"
That'll take care of him
So long as his palm's greased
And the supply is good.
Sure, it's not love,
But after his dose
It won't matter.

The guy would mourn
If he died;
Not for him, but for
The loss in demand.
Hard to make a buck
Around here, nowadays.
Guess you have to do
What you can to
 Sep 2015 Robson Guy
Roman Pavel
I live for those fleeting moments
that capture your imagination
of a bright future.
A word,
a gesture,
or even a glance.
That instant,
when all the possibilities of your fantasy
seem only a few steps away.
Where you fill the gaps of your dreams with the opportunity in front of you.
But alas,
as that opportunity comes and goes, the gaps seem more barren than before,
and you're left once again
with only the dream.
The dream of a bright future
where these moments no longer pass like whispers in the wind.
But instead,
are engraved like crevices in a tombstone.
Because in life we only have our dreams,
and the hope that these fleeting moments
turn into eternal memories
 Sep 2015 Robson Guy
Nadine Swain
I am a fleeting existence
In this world
Of constant change

Where everyone you love
Seems to disintegrate
Just when they start loving you back
The touch of the sunlight,
the warmth of the water
dancing around our ankles,
smell the salt in the air,
fresh and clean and pure.
Little tastes of happiness.
But it's never enough for you.

You think that happiness is a state,
like liquid or gas, something you stay in.
But happiness is in the fleeting moments,
the laughter of friends,
hot chocolate, sweet and smooth
with little marshmallows.

Dancing in the rain,
wearing your favorite shirt,
a walk through the woods,
a hug just a little longer than usual,
the warmth of someone else's arms.
These fleeing moments are
where you find happiness.

— The End —