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Sometimes the more it hurts
          the bigger I smile.
So don't trust my words or my face;
       trust the colors of my soul.

And if you can't see those, then you don't know me
                    well enough to love me
                                        like I need to be loved.
It's hard learning how to see with your eyes closed. But it can be done.
I saw two lines running beside each other
on a converging course.
To avoid conjoining before the proper time had come,
I sought to make them parallel;
but now it feels like they are moving
in opposite directions and

I don't know what to do.
Can you help me?
Soulless shadow
sleeping in my arms.
When I look at you
you are no more.

What broke the glass
through which I saw
your soul?

Before the morning dawns
will this dream fade?
Lost like another
Fleeting escapade?

I thought time would

                                          stand still

I shouldn't try thinking.

    I though we could


lights started blinking.

I thought the puppets that
we played with

Could still be real.

But beyond the rim of the edge of the world
Time is no more.
And there the dreams are real.

Can we go there,
In another time?

I don't know how to get there,
But with you
                                        would try.
Heartbreak with a touch of smile at the end.
It's a bit Complex

I want to tell you
That you make me angry
So angry

I want to say
That night after night
I have cried because of you

I want to make you
Know the abandonment
You forced upon me

I want to scream
At you and slay
Slay, slay my demons

I wish you knew
That I want you to text me
So I know you care

But at the same time
I love you so so much
I want you to know that.

But yeah.
It's complex.
I need someone to talk to, someone to hear.
I feel alone in the world, no one is near.
Don’t let me confuse you, a body is here.
A person, a being of such; if you must say.
Not really a person to communicate.
Although we are here, we are not really there.
Two different people, two different worlds, lives lived together yet so far apart.
Sadness pours over me to see such a beautiful love start to wilt.
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