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Jul 2020 · 877
Alive in poems
Randhir kaur Jul 2020
Counting down the years brings me affliction. Your name, voice and remembrance ain't dwindling. Your memories are stirred in my soul like a principal necessity that builds up a body. The difference is I am perhaps not growing but just adhere to past, to you, in your silhouette. Everyday I try your number with a hope of 'Hello' which is a hallucination in a mirage. But it never dies. It never kills my fingers to run back to you, even though it is mere starless. Letting others know about you led me to this point in life that I regret trusting the idiom 'blessing in disguise ' into human personification. I have enveloped you anonymously  in my words that the world will never know till it ends. And that you are so much safe now. But very, very sadly rescued after losing you. Alive in prosody.
Nov 2017 · 454
Her smile.
Randhir kaur Nov 2017
She is a murderer.

Cops cannot nab her because she smiles superlatively. 

She genocide the innocent people.
May 2017 · 507
You are a beauty.
Randhir kaur May 2017
You are my centripetal. You are my catharsis. You are bonafide. You beckon me.
How shall I eulogize my Yahweh that he forged a  human like you. He contrived you for me so that I must caress you with the profound love.
Mar 2017 · 563
Randhir kaur Mar 2017
Oh please help to get me.
Hey whipper-snapper be my vestige again.
Those trees are obscure, be my mirage again.
Far-flung from my kernel ,be my chain again.
Oh please help to get me,
Be mine and my again.
Feb 2017 · 1.4k
Why did we meet?
Randhir kaur Feb 2017
We are thousand miles away.
Still I say,'stay away'.
People meet either because they are meant to be isolated or to be in their life forever.
We know we want each other,knowing that it won't happen.
Are you here to lessen my soreness and increase my my sprits. Let me tell you dear,I am in love and relationship with lugubrious. I am the most propitious and wealthiest person because I had had ever you in my lifetime, a cache.
What are we meant for?
For schism or forever?
When we are meant for nix,then let us not give each other unfulfilling expectations.
Jan 2017 · 484
I revealed. I realized.
Randhir kaur Jan 2017
Today early morning I was sitting on the sofa and having tea. Suddenly my eyes went on the showcase where I had kept my certificates and a trophy which I had received  on sports week day for the achievement of getting second position in story writing and quiz competition  respectively. I literally had a smile on my face. I don't share my trophies,certificates,medals with my family. I just keep it as a show piece. If somebody care's and notice's they ask. If not then I really don't feel like telling.
Today for the first time I felt it that I should tell my parents that their daughter is talented,she is good for something at least. And so I revealed. I did shared and that too with my Hero. My protector. My FATHER.
My father was so glad to see my trophy,medals of 11 and 12 th standard and all the recent certificates.I narrated every incident  where I had received praises.He addressed me,'Emerging writer. Be someone who will remember you throughout'.
Do you know why and how I shared my success today all of a sudden,in the middle of my life. Why not this thought strike me before when I was living my life in vain? How today's sunrise brought a revelry on my phiz?

Because I realized how technology is ruling our heart. How technology is ruining our life. How busy we people are that we don't have a minute to share our happiness with each others. How we don't have the time to stand and stare the beauty. I didn't touched my phone and I saw a beautiful outcome. My phone didn't ring and I saw myself sitting at peace.
Jan 2017 · 2.5k
Who is a teacher for me??
Randhir kaur Jan 2017
And the yarn starts when I was in fourth standard on 9th February,2007 at St.Carmel Convent School (Jorhat,Assam,India) where I was just known as a ‘infirm’ student and not by my name.
Not that incident,date or time but that person changed me into a better human. For the first time when a person made me feel special. For the first time a philosophical kid was loving to hear the frail taunts about herself. For the first time she was apt to sit alone at recesses time. And for the first time she was being treated vulnerable.
                                                  “First impression is the last impression”  
And this so true. No impression was more resonant than my Teacher. Even today she remains vivacious in my soul and in my world.
                             “Teaching is not a service, profession or a job. It is a pillar of the society”
Well,my narration starts in class four when the whole class was just at verge of reciting the morning prayer at school. But just then my computer teacher entered, requesting my class teacher to standby the prayer and said:
                                                “Excuse me Reena teacher,where is Randhir”?
I raised my hand from my position. She passed a beam and said:
                                                             “Happy Birthday to you”
It was just from that day I realized that she too had her Birthday on the same date. And every now and then we celebrated our Birthday’s together.
No matter how much I was discriminated emotionally and mentally. No matter I failed to give good result to my other teachers. No matter I was being teased. All that matters was and is my teacher’s appreciation towards me. How being a kid I was cohered to this world. At a very tender age I knew the difference between the good and evil. I faced the agony of being a lame student, of being a pale figure in my friend circle. But one person who made my school life memorable is than that of my dearest Sobha Bothra Pincha Teacher. No boon of a child in her life, black hairs are turning into grey but her nature seems everlasting for all her students because she is and had been a great motherly figure. Her words to me:
                                               “Help me to keep the smile on my face”
And I am following her words. From her I get the strength to give respect to all my teachers who have crossed my way. Not a single teacher is untouched by my loving gratitude that I owe. Some students celebrate teacher’s day on 5th September, I celebrate it everyday. And today I am glad to hear the applaud from my teacher’s not for my good results but for being a good Student. For once I regretted. Today I have no regret because I take pride in being taught from my Sobha Teacher.
Dear teacher your advice, wisdom and teachings will remain engraved in my life. Good teachers teach because they are passionate about teaching. Great teachers like you, teach to make the world a better place.
If I am successful in any way today, be a good daughter, a good friend, a good consoler, a good sister, a good person or a good student. I owe all and all to you Sobha teacher. And if I am able to write this in the honor of you it because you taught me the value of letters. All these years I kept asking and you kept giving. Now I think its time I started giving back and it all begins with two simple words-
                                                                        “Thank you”
Please give respect to your teachers because they deserve our attention and gratitude.
Jan 2017 · 475
I cannot..
Randhir kaur Jan 2017
Pen in my hand,
Door on my side.
Been two hours I simply am sitting.
Could walk off by shutting my copy and breaking the tip of my pen.
But what is it that I want to write but still can't.?
I have so much but still unable to portray.
I realized that I really cannot reveal my pain through my writings because I don't want this world to fall in love with my melancholy.
"Let me live in pain. There is a strange healing".
And I walked off by shutting my copy...
Nov 2016 · 752
Am I important?
Randhir kaur Nov 2016
I am waiting like a girl waits on the bench of the garden for her beau.
I am waiting like those two cobber wait for the Godot. (Samuel Beckett)
I am waiting like the Merchant's wife does wait for the return of her soulmate. (Ezra Pound)
I am waiting like Taran looks for Amar. (Tum Bin 2)
I am waiting like the peacock does wait for the rainfall.
I am waiting like every successful man gets a pat on his back.
I am waiting for the day to hear not the golden words but my ears are waiting just to hear whether am I as important as you are in my life...
There are beautiful people who did abandoned me then there are those beautiful people to whom I will never meet again because one day I will depart. They have been good to me. Just not good but beyond the kind words of goodness hence beautiful. When I shut my eyes I see those people who have had touched my soul and the edges of my life.And I really owe much to them if I become a successful mother,wife,daughter-in- law most of all a responsible woman. But one thing which I am unaware of is that am I a beautiful person for them?   Am I the only one to thank them? And if they really love me then why aren't they expressing, why aren't they holding my hand and saying that I am important in their life's. Don't they know that we are the servants of God. We are just a guest for a while*
Randhir kaur Nov 2016
-Why are you shedding tears? (raising the eyebrows)
=Why are being dunce? are(choking) departing dear(helplessly).
(The former passing a beam and holding his fingers).
-No,you are being dunce,(by wiping the tears of the latter) my hero. (Embracing).
=I love you(the former heaving a sigh). There you go,your Prince is waiting for you.
Daughter-I love you too Papa (clasping the hand of her partner,took a seat in the car,bidding farewell and the matrimony ends).

Poetry technique-Colloquy.
Oct 2016 · 1.0k
Flowers and Branch..
Randhir kaur Oct 2016
He said, 'I can watch your dedication but not your duty,
With tight lip I stood there making d morning more silent...
He said, 'You love your work because your respect beauty,
In a blub way I resumed with Adam lily calmly to nascent...
He said, 'I love these flowers because it is a symbol of peace,
I inhaled d fragrance with a woe thought that it is also a symbol of love, He said, 'Which is d thing I swine the most'? ? ?
Turning my face n saying, 'The plucking of flowers, will it cease'? ? ?
He said none, looked in my eyes with my problem unsolved,
It is a reason to smile, same time, I am groaning cause its branch is my stove, my life of worst...
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Let us watch...
Randhir kaur Oct 2016
Some are blue with hits,
Some are dumped in *****,
Some where there is black-white conflicts,
Some are breaking the wall of heart brick by bricks...
No remedy to cease it,
Because zilch can be it,
Nothing makes everything in it...
Let us watch my brother's and sister's,
It is a film to cry, a saga which is not parable as History,
Because there is no one who will give their today for our tomorrow........
Materialistic world..and what not..
Sep 2016 · 1.3k
It creates a story in me..
Randhir kaur Sep 2016
With your satiny hairs,
You amble without a normal foot.
But with a pristine look,
Your big eyes shines luminously.
Dear, Maybe people call you a handicap,
I call those bullocks a madcap.
Interestingly, what, I am a handicap mentally, here I reveal.
Everyday I fight inside the close door when night falls.
A few days ago your eyes have cried a lot,
Let me clear here, you are a daring person.
It gives me a reason to fight with his servants openly.
You are a bizarre, I don't know you Monica Sharma.
Though we did not shook our hands at all,
But whenever these eyes squints you,
A new story creates a History...
Its very weird we do not know each other but still can relate my past with you and your name itself was a blow to me. This write is not for sympathy but my respect towards you of what you are. Though you are not different but extraordinarily different in your swag.
Kisi apne ki yaad dilati hain aap..
Randhir kaur Sep 2016
For all of you who thought 12 o Clock is a joke for Sardar.
During 17th Century, when Hindustan was ruled by Mughals, all the Hindu people were humiliated and were treated like animals. Mughals treated the Hindu women as there own property and were forcing all Hindus to accept Islam and even used to **** the people if they were refusing to accept. That time, our ninth Guru, Sri Guru Teg Bhadarji came forward, in response to a request of some Kashmir Pandits to fight against all these cruel activities.
Guruji told the Mughal emperor that if he could succeed in converting him to Islam, all the Hindus would accept the same. But, if he failed, he should stop all those activities . The Mughal emperor happily agreed to that but even after lots of torture to Guruji and his fellow members he failed to convert him to Islam and Guruji along with his other four fellow members, were tortured and sacrificed their lives in Chandni Chowk. Since the Mughals were unable to convert them to Islam they were assassinated.
Thus Guruji sacrificed his life for the protection of Hindu religion. Can anybody lay down his life and that too for the protection of another religion? This is the reason he is still remembered as "Hind Ki Chaddar", shield of India. For the sake of whom he had sacrificed his life, none of the them came forward to lift his body, fearing that they would also be assassinated.
Seeing this incident our 10th Guruji, Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji (Son of Guru Teg Bahadarji) made a resolution that he would convert his followers to such human beings who would not be able to hide themselves and could be easily located in thousands.
At the start, the Sikhs were very few in numbers as they were fighting against the Mughal emperors. At that time, Nadir Shah raided Delhi in the year 1739 and looted Hindustan and was carrying lot of Hindustan treasures and nearly 2200 Hindu women along with him. The news spread like a fire and was heard by Sardar Jassa Singh who was the Commander of the Sikh army at that time . He decided to attack Nadir Shah's Kafila on the same midnight.
He did so and rescued all the Hindu women and they were safely sent to their homes. It didn't happen only once but thereafter whenever any Abdaalis or Iranis had attacked and looted Hindustan and were trying to carry the treasures and Hindu women along with them for selling them in Abdal markets, the Sikh army although fewer in numbers but were brave hearted and attacked them at midnight,12 O'clock and rescued women.
After that time when there occurred a similar incidence, people started to contact the Sikh army for their help and Sikhs used to attack the raider's at Midnight, 12 O'clock. It continued and became a known fact that at midnight, nearly at 12 O'clock, it is very difficult to fight against Sikhs as the Sikhs get some Extra Power to save Religion, Nation and Humanity.
Nobody can fight and win against them at midnight; this continues till now. Nowadays, these "smart people" and some Sikh enemies who are afraid of Sikhs, have spread these words that at 12 O'clock, the Sikhs go out of their senses. This historic fact was the reason which made me smile over that person who say "sardarji 12baj gaya"  as I thought that his Mother or Sister would be in trouble and wants my help and was reminding me by saying off 'Sardarji Barah Baj Gaye'
All those shud feel ashamed of themself who used to click and enjoy the jokes on Sikhs and too made fun of them. The truth is that these Sikhs are born for others and they are real patriotic to Humanity and Religion. What are we all doing to these great Saints and Soldiers ???? Instead of thanking them, we all are making fun....
With the passage of time this phrase(Sardarji k baarah baj gaye) that used to send chills down the spine of the opposition became a subjective **** of jokes. A faint and limp joke is highly unqualified to shake the strong roots of history yet this article intends to enlighten people with the real truth. Any sort of bigotry should be abandoned and not promoted and those sacrifices should not be reduced to a mere joke.
Aug 2016 · 942
Randhir kaur Aug 2016
I don't understand this life at all,
There is no sorrow but my eyes are always filled with tears.
What is it which makes me down in dumps??
I don't understand this pang at all,
There is no complain but I keep blaming my Waheguru.
What is it which makes me down in dumps??
         I have learnt that everybody have a smile and happiness but one is disturbed to see that on the other face.
Because one's smile becomes someone's pain...
Apr 2016 · 545
I love my life...
Randhir kaur Apr 2016
I realized, Oh, there\'s
something to be shared
with, Always who
made the capacity to
lift my moods out of
gloom and despair... I
realized, Oh, The Days
and Nights seems to be
equally brighter now,
Always who has enliven
and inspired me even in
the most pensive and
melancholy moments...
They realized, Oh, Now
Randhir is not like quite
before, They
realized, Oh, Now Randhir
\'s smile is quite wide
than before, They
realized, Oh, The real
magic of Love can only
happen to change her,
They realized, Oh, This
would be fair to say
that she found the only
feel of LOVE, But Wrong
are the Intentions of
the people & sayings of
the legends, that, \'Love
makes life\'... I
say, that, Is Love
everything in Life? ? .? I
argue, that, Does Loves
brings to you infinite
prosperity or support? .?
I have realized, Oh, LOVE
makes all things
beautiful, But, LIFE is the
Teacher, Experience and
Happiness itself... I
found everything in my
Life and thats what
makes me realize today
to say that, \'I love my
Love yourself first then love someone...

— The End —