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Aria of Midnight Sep 2016
how I can only
bleed on typewriters
when my heart
has ripped into shreds,
as if pieces of tissue
are spurting into
strings of nonsensical,
literary madness.
Aria of Midnight Sep 2017
I tried to shield
my heart
to keep it whole

but all it did
was turn to stone.

I learned
that our heart breaking
in half
is not the worst
thing that can happen
Aria of Midnight May 2019
What might have been lost?
if I never see you again

I call your eyes
one of the dreamers
and your eyes dart
across the room

always above my head
like you're watching
shooting stars collide

I learned you are
a body of water
elusive and mystical
flowing between the gaps
of my fingers

always slipping
through my fingers

I know that
your life will rotate
without me

But I wish
I could be the compass
always guiding
you home
Listening to 'The Wolves' by Bon Iver - breathtaking track
Aria of Midnight Sep 2014
I like words.
I like watching them
m e l d i n g    i n t o
large collection
of feelings
thoughts, emotions,
           r         e
       a      m       s
and stories
that you whisper
before I drift
A small visual poem. :)
First one I've ever tried! So fun; must try more.
Aria of Midnight Dec 2014
you always had words
i breathed them like air
back when we were one.

didn't expect to miss you--
no more words left; silence

the wedding glitters
with someone else by your side
please don't forget me.
A rather old set of haikus I once wrote. Sharing on HelloPoetry for the first time. :)
Aria of Midnight Nov 2014
Better than you;
always considered myself superior
--a delusion I nurtured
with vicious remarks
and cold sniggers;
within the remotest of land,
full of dust,
you learned to bloom
with your youthful flowers
growing larger
than me
and yourself.
Aria of Midnight Sep 2016
caramel skin
like the sweet scent
of toffee & warm sugar
during a summer festival.

you called me exotic,
with black eyelashes
******* my even darker
raven eyes.

no other woman
could ever compare
with my soft voice,
strong principles,
and thoughtful nature.

you called me exotic.
but I wonder if you know,
I am a stranger within my skin,
within my community.

I am exotic
in an unsettling way--
halves and quarters,
of thoughts and ideas,
and never whole enough
for anyone.

my parents
are whole people
with a fragmented daughter;
to them,
I am a stranger--
I am exotic.

I am both
sickened and liberated
by my difference.

but mostly,
Aria of Midnight Mar 2017
i’m a quarter lifespan
half human
and too delicate to be

can you find
the paradox in that

and in the times
you measured my
force against oceans

I carved soft footprints
in the sand

and watched the
grow in them.

— The End —