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 Dec 2015 Rachel
Allyson Walsh
I am told that I
Cannot make homes
Out of

That skeletons are
Too fragile
To withstand
Every storm

Yet, I called you in
Late December
And deemed you my
Potential home

I like to believe
These words are what pulled
You back into
My atmosphere

Although it is said
That homes cannot
Be made out of
Beating hearts and irises

I am striving to
Turn your flesh
Into my
Dwelling place

Your eyelashes are
The blades of grass
On the lawn
Out front

Your ribs are
The staircase leading
To rooms waiting
To be filled

I'm turning your
Flesh into
Our living room

Your bones are
The walls which
Keep the two of us

They said it couldn't
That it really
Be done

But I'm making
Myself at home
For NM
 Dec 2015 Rachel
mike dm
if i focus hard enough
i can
all my molecules
that once were snug
embedding slivers of space
till solitude is my room
 Dec 2015 Rachel
Red Fox
 Dec 2015 Rachel
Red Fox
I am Muslim.
Full of mistakes,
And far from a good one.

I'm a ****.
Not too far from a hood one.

I know whoever reads this
Has been labeled before
And not always good ones.

But You and I are the same,
Honestly Understanding Mistake And Nproving.
We can't ever perfect.
So for those with labels,
Embrace them.
For your only Human
And labels are just small puddles in the rain
So roll up your pants
And dance through the pain.
Wanted to write something uplifting for Lunch.
 Dec 2015 Rachel
Christina Cox
“**** this ******* ****,”
is my favorite saying;
****, it is simple.
(20 minute poetry)

The potency crept up on me cruelly and painfully
startling my childhood and dragging me screaming into a false sense of maturity where the bed that I lie on became the beds that I died on and yet in moving ever on there came an acceptance lacking in youth that not all which glitters is the sparkling truth.

I scan through the lifeline to see how much more time there'll be, but messages so often in plain view are now hidden from me.
I live in it now,
it shocked me
I got over it.
 Aug 2014 Rachel
 Aug 2014 Rachel
and i know that we have hit that
point of no return
where i now desire to fall within you
instead of for you
where i now crave to be enveloped by your
instead of your witty
where now, i no longer want to
stare at the ocean, but to
have your eyes staring into mine
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