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 Sep 2017 Rachel Keating
You're a dream
That crawled into my bed
And never came true

You're a laugh
          About to burst into tears

What you are
          Is vague
                And beautiful
 Sep 2017 Rachel Keating
You begged me,

to fall in love with the

So I could get

accustomed to having all of

but then, none
at all too..

 Sep 2017 Rachel Keating
Do not approach me
for the use of my body;
I am more than that.
sometimes i feel too much
sometimes i feel too little
i wish i could stay in that happy place
that lies right in the middle

when i feel too much
it's a torrent of emotion
a downpour of epic proportion
and i pray for it to end

yet when it does i don't feel enough
i'm numb, frozen, depressed.
I then pray for this to end
and i'd do anything to feel again

so i'm stuck in this happy limbo
never feeling quite right
like goldilocks in the three bear's house
i can't sleep at night
To question the notions of reality
within the pages of a dream
written by a fictitious tale of love
and finding a heart worth more
than all the things made of gold
and turning the page to read
that love is the only reality
that makes life worth living
even in the hours of cold solitude
and the nightmares of minutes
and months and years
of rivers of tears born from
eyes painted with brush strokes
of desperate blood red loneliness
and unanswered hopes and prayers
hanging dead in the air
from a pale moon
with only a toothless smile
and sliver of blue light
and still float out to the sea
where we might find our
last breath being taken
under crashing waves
and poisoned mists
to brave the journey
where we might find
something more than just
questions of the notions of reality
Maybe home,
is not a place
not even a person
but instead a feeling

It is a feeling where you can finally
adapt to your society and
be comfortable to walk in your skin
without being afraid or scared anymore

And now I'm homesick
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