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  Mar 2016 provdisc
Lora Lee
"Help!" she screamed.
"I'm on fire!"
But the blaze was from within
ignited by passion's light
on the way to heavenly sin
Hair a-glow
Eyes sparkling
each chakra lit up
in color
resembling the flash
of neon lights'
reflections upon each other
but this illumination
was much deeper and bright
this kindling of spirit
a vivification  set a-light
a mindfire tuned to rivet
Yes she is waking up
after years of deepest slumber
she is finally releasing to the winds
old dreams,
ripped a-sunder
They flapped on the laundry line
were torn in pieces by the storms
So is it not surprising
That now she is re-born?
Is it not to be expected
That she weaves a brand new
made from her inner fabric
and soon it won’t be long
that those fine-spun silks
start twirling up
dancing in the air
as her fire keeps on burning
and passion rides
her flare

  Mar 2016 provdisc
Sydney Marie
I know this is how you felt,
I know everyone feels things differently.
But I know now, this is how you felt.

And my God,
Am I ever sorry.
  Mar 2016 provdisc
Bianca Reyes
I wish to
reside in the
space between your
heart and your
loneliness so that
the two may
never meet again
Shared on Hello Poetry on March 17, 2016
  Mar 2016 provdisc
really what you might call an experiment, for one thing
the hypothesis was missing and I was the control
and the  dependent variable, and by now by deduction
you see, you have delimited my experiment,
you negative naysayer you doomseeker you pessimist
the lone variable is when
  Mar 2016 provdisc
I never believed in love at first sight;
But I do believe in love at first touch,
At first handshake.
I believe in love at first word,
Both uttered and sang.
I believe in love at first laugh
Shared over an awful cup of coffee.
I never believed in love at first sight
Because my dear how could I have known,
With just a simple glimpse,
The way your touch would stir my heart,
The way your words would woo my mind,
And your song, send shivers down my spine.
The way your laugh could sweeten my burnt coffee.
I never believed in love at first sight,
But, my dear, I believe I love you.
provdisc Mar 2016
Don’t stop moving
Just don’t stop spinning
The walls as they fly past you blur out of time
And you don’t care
You don’t care anymore

It’s your face in the window
On the bricks and the pavement
The lines that tie us to our destination
All but scream out your name

The change falls in the toll box
The driver and his crooked teeth
But you don’t care,
You don’t care anymore

Lights flash
People waiting for the life they leave behind
But you are just a blur behind the glass
And I can’t let you go
I can’t take you out
I can’t leave you behind

So don’t stop moving
Don’t stop lying to yourself
Someday I’ll be there
Just a smear on the glass
A dent in the plastic seat
Graffiti on the back of a torn bench
A caricature of what once was
Trying to tell you where I stood

And you don’t care anymore
You can’t feel me
When I’m standing right above you
Next to you
Where you are
No, I was there
Looking out on you
And you just keep melting in the heat
Of what I’ve left behind

One day you’ll be tied to the lines
of my destination
But you won’t hear me
Screaming your name
Because I’m not there anymore.
lyrics. initially.
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