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The circuitous and arduous roads
Slithers over the difficult terrains
Slimy and slipping away from reality
Through the tapestry of agony
Bruised souls pay with dripping blood
In deepest burrows hibernates the truth
Weary and defeated travelers move along
Only the one who bends but do not break
Shall redeem truth from the caverns
In a groggy haze, I awaken from my slumber.

Nothing but silence surrounds me while I wake.

Without much purpose I stand to take a shower.
Once in, I stand with my head pressed against the wall.

Tears rush so fast down my face they feel as though they are one with the water of the shower.
For mere moments the heat and steam from the shower sooths my pain.

But in my mind I remember I can't spend forever in the shower.

Off the shower goes, and on and on so does my emptiness.

I walk to my car, pull out, and drive onward.

The radio is on and yet all I hear is silence, my mind is full of thoughts but yet nothing can fully process.

This world is full of people and yet I have to eyes to gaze into, no skin to smell, to hair to play with, no body to cuddle, no person to love.
Man of the past
looks of the future
And spits with his mouth

maybe he's mad
maybe he's sad

maybe his fear of clocks
maybe his fear of time
will get the better of him
 Apr 2015 Pranav kastury
I have cried rivers and lakes
and even seas,
but never an ocean so rough and dark.

Your ship is in the distance
throwing life rings to other struggling souls,
as salt water creeps its way into my lungs.

Time passes.  Your eyes are visible now,
preparing to toss me a life line.
And you look straight into mine as you cut the rope.
But I will make it to shore alive.
Focus giving to each man

Follow God the best you can

Lift the old, each time they fall

Be ones helping brothers all

Feed the hungry, offer roof

Sincerely try to light the truth

Remind us love is our duty

Then there's far more acts of beauty

Help each stranger have good days

Sometimes go out of your way

Surprising all the way we should

With gentle acts of doing good

So every day of life that's left

You'll learn to be your better self
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