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3.7k · Jun 2014
I've been told not to run with scissors.
I've been told to be safe and not sorry.
I've been told to live quiet and lonely.
Not to feel; but to hear, not to listen.

I've been told to keep feelings inside me.
I've been told to love words when unspoken.
I've been told not to care for what's broken.
Not to know; but to touch, without feeling.

But who am I? A girl made of feelings.
Who am I? A person of soul.
Who am I? The one at the base rung,
Ready to catch those who fall.

Who am I? The first one to stand up.
Who am I? The one who can fly.
Who am I? A friend who will be there,
No matter at what time of day.

Yes, it arrived unexpected.
Am I a bit over the top?
No. I have been this way, always.
It just took its sweet time to come out.
No matter how much you try to suppress someone's true personality and feelings, they will show themselves eventually. The truth remains the truth, whether in your favour or not.
2.8k · Apr 2014
Tell me,
Does the scarlet of a rose
surpass the turquoise of a tulip?

Which is larger:
The savouriness in poultry
Or the sweetness of candies?

How much more
Is the descant of a soprano
Than the rumble of a bass?

I'm not really certain.
But I trust what you tell me is right.
People are always trying to place a comparative title on everything. However, with some things, there just is no good or bad. There is no more or less. There just... is.
As people, we try too hard to place a quantitative value on qualitative things.
And even if we don't know why we do this, we trust it's right -- because hey, everyone else is doing it, yes? Society says it's okay, so it has to be.

Be proud of your freckles, your forehead, your hair, your fingers.
They're not better or worse than anyone else's.
But they're yours.
And they're amazing.
2.3k · May 2014
She helps those who fall in puddles,
Yet she herself is drowning;
She nurtures those with little scratches,
Taking no heed to her gaping lesions;
She builds with those whose roofs are leaking,
While she stands homeless in the storm;
She throws a cushion under those who have tripped,
As she falls from the top floor of a skyscraper.

One of these days, she will die
And no one will understand why.
This poem is dedicated to a very certain somebody.
I believe she knows who she is.
2.2k · May 2014
A Bold Poem
I, uh...
don't want to
hurt your feelings, and I
know you and
I both
don't like this part. If you hate me forever after this, I understand
why. But it's the truth;
you and I both know it. I
want to
try and make
this brief, but I tend to be bad at that.

I appreciate that
You're brave enough to take the first step and
not wait for me to do it. Most people
need someone else to initiate things for them, so congrats on your fortitude. That's
good thing to have.

I'm sure you've had your heart
enough, but I honestly don't like you like.. that. It doesn't mean I'll
Leave you out or exclude you
from my
life. And anyway, even if you don't have
me, you don't have to be
alone. There are other fish in the sea.

I just don't love you like.. that.
Please don't cry.

Normal - What was said.
Bold - What I heard.
Italics - What I felt.
1.1k · Mar 2014
Rock, Paper, Scissors
A brute force
Pounding, crushing
Driven by fear
With indubitable
What can defeat
This formidable foe?
None other than

A soft leaf
Whispers, gestures
Sweet nothings
Poignant nothings
In your ear
So close, they sound
Like a yell.
But those, alas,
Are drowned out
By our friend

Cuspate slats
Slicing, cleaving
In their path.
There is no
Is of importance
To the scissors.
They are bent
By the impetuous

Rock beats scissors, which beats paper, which beats rock.
Force wakes the ignorant, who **** our words, which speak louder than force.
1.0k · May 2014
I'll settle
Sure, it'd be nice to walk
Along the shore of the beach
And watch the sun set
With you.

But I'm happy enough to run
In circles around the track
And watch the grass wilt
With you.

Sure, it'd be nice to cuddle
While eating junk food and snacks
And watch a horror movie
With you.

But I'm happy enough to sit
While laughing over your shoulder
And watch funny videos
With you.

Sure, it'd be nice to be
The one whom you call "yours"
And to be loved back
By you.

But I'm happy enough to love
The perfect person you are
And savor the moments I spend
With you.
Although you are oblivious to my love, therefore likely not to feel mutually, your laugh alone is enough to make me smile.
1.0k · Mar 2014
Forbidden Fruit
God gave Earth an Adam;
To Adam, He gave Eve.
God gave them a garden --
One which they'd never leave.

God gave them an order.
The tree, see there, it stood?
"You do not eat the fruits there."
And yet, He knew they would.

God placed there a Snake.
The Snake waited for man.
When Eve came near the serpent,
He told her of God's plan.

"God did not create this,"
The Snake, so softly, said.
"It was here before Him:
The one from which He fled."

"God gave me an order,"
Cried Eve, without defeat.
"This is the Tree of Knowledge;
Its fruit, I cannot eat."

"God gave you a garden.
He wants for you to stay.
This tree is what He fears;
It leads you two astray.

God is what you're fearing.
He, in turn, fears this;
Through knowledge, you have power.
Greater, even, than His."

Eve picked fruit forbidden,
Which she and Adam ate.
God condemned them both,
Death now part of their fate.
Man was not created in God's image; God was created in man's image (the Tree was here before Him). He is a source of comfort (the garden), and with this mindset, no one dies really, because each person is granted eternal life after death (leaving the 'garden' puts a definite end to one's life).

It is only by knowledge that one can "defeat" any given deity. The power of knowledge is greater than the power of a man-created deity. Since these deities exist merely in the minds of devout followers, many religious people also fear knowledge and refuse to accept it. It's quite sad, actually.
Knowledge is power.
Do not fear.
With knowledge, we can change the world.

(This was not meant to offend anybody. My sincerest apologies if it did; this is just what's currently on my mind.)
982 · Apr 2014
Need something?
I'll be in the
If you're lucky
454 · Mar 2014





                     are called
the tracks                    
               of life

— The End —