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USA    I love many things, including writing stories, songs and poetry. ♊ All poems are original, do not copy or steal. © -cc
Elizabeth Squires
All poems original Copyright of Elizabeth Squires.
Edmund black
39/M/NJ    Not Everything I Write Is About Me , However I Only Write For Myself....... Remember Jesus Is The Way And The Light.
Words are so easily spoken but rarely ever meant. Be wise of the words you speak don't allow vinum to flow from your tongue as …
16/F/ohio    a girl who writes to fight off her demons
21/M/Dublin    Your unaverage, overly-social, sound-loving, helplessly romantic, hipster-hippie... Welcome to my Diary of Tragedies: "...& every letter is of Fragments of my Heart."
M/Gurgaon India    'I saw my beloved in all i saw'. Rumi
Tyler Dale
16/M/Indiana    Sports+Poetry+Traveling+God= My Life
Speaking Eyes
If I told you my story
Mellow waves
19/F/Lebanon    Poetry and violin stole my heart from the very start! Also i’m a thalassophile.
Brian Hoffman
26/M/New York    Soccer player, Punk Rocker, Hippie, long boarding, the beach, Poet and Lyrics Instagram: bhoffman9
anthony Brady
79/M/Co. Fermanagh. N. Ireland    Google Anthony J. M. Brady. Author. Poet. Book promoter. Memoir Quartet - SCENES FROM AN EXAMINED LIFE - published by 2017. Poetry Collection - …
Ugo Victor
Nigeria    Ambitious.
Jesse stillwater
I take the liberty to call myself a thinker, an occasional poet, out here adrift — Jesse e Stillwater — all rights reserved
41/M/Couch to couch USA    I’m still here.
Saying things you can't say, When a jest is truer than fiction
Jim Davis
Great State of Texas    Started writing four years ago! Always loved reading, loving and living. “What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to …
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