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From scattered letters, you can rarely put together who you were used to, because radical digitalization is now like some malicious, pathetic illness in your daily lives. Because you can only observe the change in yourself, which, according to truth, does not change, at most, only instincts can also change or change.

It is as if even your DNA would perceive the one you can trust, because you don't always be a scream or a heccle - but you will definitely follow your childish rules of play and who, when you lightly, is nonsense.

From your squeezed mouth biting words, no one has yet asked how and how you feel so many desperate, hopeless decades from a distance. The deliberately beautified memories of you, so that the uncertain present can look a little more livable for at least sixty a few years, and then it doesn't matter to you. Because camouflaged sincerity's personalized forced jacket is nowadays finally getting out, as if wearing severe scrapers are almost impossible.

Monkeys obedient to preaching words in brainwashed brains march not only on the border of monkey countries; You can compare you to a sorrow, no one, no one has spoken to anyone, as if it were an inner defensive mechanism that you can only understand and accept.

In the way of sleeping, even a pathetic, laughing ghost, you are still limping, hard-to-life, and you would love to have your dear, you can shake hands because you have to love it, and it is still easy!
The attic is no place to live—
but it’s where I hide,
among clocks leaning against walls,
their faces turned away.
There’s a kind of shame in being watched
when time isn’t yours to keep.
I know they’re scheming—
like men in trench coats,
hands hidden in their pockets.

Words escape me now.
I hear them as they slip—
trickling out sideways,
like strangers running through fields
where nothing flowers.

They’re bright, buzzing—
fireflies, too quick to catch.

I trapped silence in a jar.
I named it Weekend
and made it swear not to leave.

For a while, it did.
I told myself
it might stay forever.
But silence is clever,
it knows how to sneak away quietly—
and now mornings are like Mondays,
with thin, pale faces
peering through the glass,

Nothing speaks here—
not even the coffee.

The windows are painted black—
someone thought it was kindness,
thought it was better this way—
now, no one, not even the light,
can find me and trap me
in a jar.
Have you ever come to the end of the day,
and can run the clock back play by play,
and can add it up that supposedly
it was the day it was supposed to be,
but somehow it seems that no time has gone
like a broken record playing on and on,
and you think back through all the things you’ve done -
every day every deed bleeding into one,
and you can’t help but feel just a little fear
and hopelessness, cuz it isn’t clear
what it’s all about, why you rise each day,
fight the fights you fight, play the games you play,
do the things you do, “Just what the hell for”
for you’ve done it all a thousand times before,
and could keep on going til the bitter end,
and perhaps you will but what purpose then
does it serve, and so your left with not
but to sigh and deal with what you’ve got,
and just keep moving for you know what they say…
Tomorrow will be a bran new day.
As Icarus fell, he laughed. Because for the first time in awhile he felt something.
He felt the wax burning his skin.
The wind rushing around him.
And the sea acting as cement.
For it was Apollo the sun
the Anemoi who controlled the winds,
and Poseidon who witnessed his last moments.
But it was Thanatos and Hades who took
him to his new home. Where he could live a new life in the underworld.
And thats what they don't tell you in school.
Caits 6m
I haven’t gotten drunk since
cause you’re still the first call
even when I’m mad
and the first pair of arms I want to crash into
so I guess sober will have to do
For who knows how long
My English teacher said
The opposite of love
Is hate.
But it's not hate,
It's apathy.
Hate still breathes,
It's fiery, raw, and real.
But apathy?
Apathy is a void
Where nothing's left to feel.
No anger, no tears,
Just empty.
So if you ask what's worse,
Hate or apathy,
I'd say apathy,
The silence,
The hollow space,
Where nothing is felt
And nothing is left
Between us.
bee eyelight
staying close
fast and attack
it is a suicidal

turtle eyelight
staying away
slow and defensive.
It is a win-win.
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