summer drops of salt water found their way into our crevices, you were my best friend and we forgot the stars, instead counting every grain of sand on that beach strand.
when it was time for me to leave, you sang with the waves as back up vocals, they would bare their teeth every time you uttered the word 'love.' it was a protest to age but you and i knew youth had nothing to do with it.
fall a subtle color change in the foliage appeared and as the leaves fall, they made the music of our matrimony.
it was all good and well but your failures latched on to me and god, i was 22- carrying the burden of a 22 year old and your latest tragedies-
the leaves still turned from lush green to cinnabar and vermillion and ochre and the more brilliant they became the closer to death they succumbed following a paradigm resembling our relationship.
winter when the snow touches the ground everything is pure- the cold woke me up. it woke me up as you held me pinned down in your luxurious apartment hallway, where two weeks before i mistook money for monogamy.
and i've never wished fatality on anyone but i hope you freeze to death.
spring i met you in the spring, and here we are, two springs later. we are watching one another bloom, we are the honeysuckles, the poppies, we are reconfiguring ourselves for a season of growth and renewel, of quiet grace and goodness.