I can see the sun but can it see me? and so wonder if this could ever be. It shines down on me from there up high and I feel its warmth on my body nigh.
I regard it now as a lifelong friend who will always be there until the end. If many clouds obstruct its light from me there's a minor change of mood that I see.
I also look down where my shadow's cast before me when my back to it goes past. This need not be of any real concern for I have got to move around and turn.
I cannot look up at it for too long because its light to my eyes is so strong. All creatures depend on its light to live and that's what its purpose is all to give.
I bear the scorch of its cruel heat at times by living within the world's changing climes. But, saying this, I'm not the only one, who complains in a verse about the sun.
I enjoy its presence most of the day and in its light I often work and play. In the night it shines there via the moon to remind me that it will be back soon.
I can look up at the moon in the night and thank it for not being very bright. It has a calming effect on the mind and acts like it's of an opposite kind.
I then especially like the full moon as it breaks through the clouds to make me swoon. Revelling there under that midnight sun with all the stars shining beyond this one. _______