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Sep 2016
Confessions of a former drug addict

I was an alcoholic
Did drugs into the night
I started at 11
Did anything in sight
'Til my brain was addled
I wasn't very bright
Soul sickness was my problem
Did not know wrong from right
But Jesus healed my spirit
I finally saw the light

I started as a bartender
For my family do's
I catered to their parties
And I began to use
I served up martinis
They could not refuse
Made 'em good and strong
Began with one or two
Soon I became drunk
And started to abuse

Then I did white crosses
Marijuana trees
I did angel dust
Also known as ***
No ******* or ******
But I did LSD
Discovered yellow jackets
And drank peyote tea
I couldn't ever get enough
And that was all for me
At 14 years old
It was catastrophe
Then I found religion
Known as Scientology
It was total *******
But I finally broke free!

I went for years not drinking
Had no acid trips
I loved a natural high
And no drug passed my lips
But life has twists and turns
Much pain and great hardship
I had to run away
Just took a couple sips
Embarked upon a journey
On substance abuse ships

I finally found the needle
******. *******.
I preferred the uppers
Manic highs obtained
I found I could not get away
And so my soul was stained

Then I started smoking it
I liked that best of all
It was like the peak of bliss
That high I still recall
But with every High
There's always a hard fall

I tried Scientology
The SRF and more
But my soul was very sick
Rotten to the core
I was finally Shipwrecked
On a hostile shore
I tried AA and Rehab
But they could not restore
Beaten down to nothing
I was finally floored

Then I met my Jesus
And I was so inclined
To go to church 3 times a week
And the Spirit shined
Gave water to my thirsty soul
My very bones aligned
He restored my body
And He restored my mind
When I finally broke free
Of the religious grind
No matter how the roads will turn
How they wend and wind
I have seen the valley
Mountains I have climbed
Now I know within my soul
His Mercy I will find

And so Jesus saved me
It happened overnight
I woke up a different person
With the strength to fight
I have new eyes to see now
He's restored my sight
No longer in deep Darkness

I have seen the light!*

(C) 9/3/2016
Drugs are not the answer. Any drug. And cutting can be a drug too! It is foolishness to think you can "just say no". I tried and tried to no avail to do that. Without Jesus's help I was totally bereft. I tried every treatment program in the book. Nothing helped me. Especially not religion. I now have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I talk to him everyday. Sometimes even when I'm angry and hurt with him. I tell him so. I have a very difficult life. But I'm not using or drinking. And I have joy beyond anything I've ever experienced! Yes I have my bad days. But my bad days now are better than any good day that I had on drugs. I did almost anything to get those horrible shackles. But now Jesus has broken them off of me... I'm finally FREE!!!

I haven't been on the site and I apologize to everyone for not responding to their commentary. And I haven't been reading. I've just been extremely busy. Thank you for understanding.

I love and pray for you all!

♡ Catherine

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