A man near the 10 cities Was mad and bound in chains He could break all of his bonds But never his sin's stains
The Gerasenes was home to him But he was still outcast He cut himself with stones He had a madman's caste
No one would come near him For fear he'd take their life He was stong & terrible But naked and in strife Due to his insanity The stones became a knife
Jesus must have known This man was in great need He decided to travel there So that prisoner could be freed
Seeing him the Madman ran To confront Him there The demons in him knew their time Was up... and they despaired
"Please let us go" they said aloud "Into the heard of swine! Please do not send us far away For it is not our time!"
"What is your name?" Jesus asked And this was very wise They could never lie to Him... "LEGION!" They replied
"We are very many..." And that was truth back then A legion of footsoldiers Was at least 4000 men
So Jesus sent them to the pigs And there they entered in The swine ran into water And, of course, they could not swim
The people of the region Were told by the swineherds Of all that had just happened They ran and spread the word
They went up to Jesus And found the man reclined Sitting clothed & normal He was in his right mind!
"Please leave our coasts!" They shouted "We want no trouble here!" They were all excited And some were in great fear
"Please allow me to come with you!" No wish to be alone... The now-normal madman Was then told to return home.
Is Jesus' arm now shortened? Or can He Heal and Save? Can he make deliverance For those now so depraved?
If that man named "Legion" Could be healed at last Perhaps you could be also No matter what your past!
Ask him to deliver you You can make a start He can come to help and Save And finally heal your heart!
SoulSurvivor (C) 5/25/2016
I have been noticing a lot of writing about cutting and self harm. And a lot of writing about demonic subjects. Actually the two things go hand-in-hand. Please consider this story from the Bible. It is located in The Book of Mark chapter 5. I saw an interview with a lady who had been a cutter. She asked Jesus to help her. She had read the story of the man named Legion. She really related to it... And asked Jesus into her heart to help her. She is now married with two children. AND NO LONGER CUTS!