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Penelope Winter Jun 2017
I have a picture of you saved,
For no eyes but my own,
That I take out of my drawer
Every day when I come home.

I pretend you're here in front of me,
As your body remains statuous,
And cry into the picture
As my grief for you grows fatuous.

For though your captured smile is still
I hear your loving laugh.
That joy can't even be contained
Inside this photograph.

And though your captured skin is still
I feel your heat reach mine,
Radiating through the frame,
Its mem'ries stopping time.

And though your captured eyes are still
The beauty of your gaze is just
Too much for this poor photo
To be able to contain.

They say a thousand words
A single picture can confess.
But your frozen lips say nothing
As the sun sets in the west.

In your melancholic silence
I place the picture in the drawer.
Tomorrow I'll take it out again
And grieve your love once more.

- p. winter
Penelope Winter Jun 2017
when you feel the watermelon juice
skiing down your chin
when you hear the hum of the lawnmower
singing its backyard ballad
when you smell the smoke of the bonfire
seeping slowly into your skin
you will know
you will sense
that summer
has arrived

- p. winter
quick poem as i die in the sweltering heat of an airconditioningless house
Penelope Winter Jun 2017
and oh
how it will hurt
to fall in love
from the towering height
of your innocent

- p. winter
Penelope Winter Jun 2017
You were the calming moonlight
Through skies of moonshine and loneliness
Surrounded by the fog and the thunder
And yet seen only as an omen of hope
A kaleidoscope of memories
But now they're just engulfed
In a cloud of powdered emery
I know the words you spoke
Were not spoken accidentally
I know the way you felt for me was not coincidentally
The same way I did
So tell me why, sentimentally,
I look at our photos and cry
(Physcially and mentally).
I know the day you left
Was not just incidentally
The same day that I told you:
I love you.

And you know that I know,
You loved me too.

- p. winter
Penelope Winter Jun 2017
The thread of hope
That my name made you nervous
That my eyes filled your dreams
That my touch was electric
The thread of hope
That my voice stained your mind
That my smell gave you goosebumps
That my taste burned your tongue
The thread of hope
That you didn't want to leave
That it hurt to walk away
That some part of you was hesitant
This thread
It coils around me
Cutting off my circulation
This thread
It ties itself into a noose
Around my neck
And yet
This thread of hope
That you loved me
I refuse to cut
Though it suffocates.
This thread
Will be
The death of me.

- p. winter
Penelope Winter May 2017
he grabbed her by the hand
as the water started boilin
then he got down on one knee
as the creamer started spoilin
put a flower in 'er hair
as the timer started ringin
pulled a ring outta his pocket
as the kettle started singin
she prepared to give her answer
as the fridge was hummin loudly
wiped the sweat off her fourth finger
as the oven burned so proudly
but then he got back on his feet
as the tap water was runnin
said he had changed his mind
as the bread dough sat there roughenin
her heart broke in her chest
as her hand reached for the cleaver
his face was unimpressed
as he turned around to leave 'er
the tears fell down her cheeks
as her irises turned black
and she whispered to herself
as the knife flew in his back
"now you know how i feel"
as he gasped a final breath
then she swung back to her cookin
as he slipped into his death
her heartbreak made her crazy
as the blood spread 'cross the floor
and that's why no one's in the kitchen
with dinah anymore

- p. winter
what happens when you get someone's hopes up
Penelope Winter May 2017
you may have read a poem
of a gentleman i met
and i bet that you're all wondering
it anything's happened yet
now, i'll only say this once
so listen while you can
i just wasn't enough of a lady
to satisfy the gentleman

- p. winter
a followup to my previous poem "the gentleman"
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