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The nightingale never sings,
inside of a cage.
it dies imagining freedom.
Don't think about the yesterdays, Don't worry about tomorrow,
Focus on the present and take away my sorrow.
Guilt is a grey and desolate shore,
Abandoned many years before,
And you’re sitting on the sand alone,
While the wind calls out with a dreary moan.

The warm sand below, your body does charm;
Holds you like an infant in a mother's arms.
Although the comfort is all but a lie,
You lay your head down and slowly close an eye.

Through the stormy high-tides you sleep;
And slowly but surely the waves begin to creep.
You do not feel the icy water lick your toes,
Nor when it devours you in your ignorant doze.

Until one day you no longer roam the misty beach;
The waves have grasped you in their callous reach.
Swallowing you whole, beyond horizons ahead;
In a sea of apologies that were left unsaid.
Guilt can make one's heart heavy.
I am lost:
My mind scattered
In endless constellations above me.

As dreams infuse with reality
And thoughts diffuse into insanity
I realize:
To be insane is to see the infinite.
You're my Sweet Pea Princess
Who weaves flowers of every kind
Into a chain or a necklace
Of soft, satin petals
My Sweet Pea Princess
You are my daily inspiration
And you often inspire
My every latest poem
I love you with all my heart
My Sweet Pea Princess
Who will sometimes
Play with pompom *****
Or some kind of kitty toy
I love you so much, darling girl
And always enjoy our feline kisses
Exchanged between our faces
Your soft, furry head against my cheek
Or butted up against my forehead
You're my Sweet Pea Princess
And I love you dearly

This Is Written For Lady Jane!!! :) ~~~~~<3
Hope You All Enjoy It!! (: ~~~~~<3
Take my heart into your hand
Please don't squeeze to tight.
With you I will stand..
everything will be alright.

Take my memories make them yours.
see all the paths I took.
see where I opened and closed doors.
don't give me such a pitiful look.
that's in the past now.
I had to let it all go
I couldn't alone, but you showed me how.
those old memories I try not to show.

Take my affection.
As I stare into your eyes.
filled with such perfection.
much like the star-R-s that fill the skies.

Take my Love.
you are my 'Welt'
Me and you fit perfectly like a glove.
oh the feelings with you I have felt.

But Here..
take my entire being
my mind body and soul,
through your eyes I am seeing.
without you I don't feel whole..

should be something else I can give to you.
But I have nothing else, I've given you my all.
This love we share is more then true.
we stand..TALL.
'Welt'  means "world" in German.
Waking up with the sun spread across my face.
Lean over the side of my bed.
Moving at a slow pace.
Matted is the hair upon my head.
Make my way to the bathroom.
Putting on the face everyone see's
I need to hurry I'll have to leave soon.
Wishing I could just leave as I please.
Grabbing my things, heading out the door.
I need to catch the bus.
Left something I needed on my bedroom floor.
Can't go back to get it, my mom will make a big fuss.
I sit there in seat double my size.
In my own world not saying a word.
Awaiting at my destination is no surprise.
Looking out my window everything seems blurred.
Arriving to where we're forced to be.
I'll sit alone in the hallway.
Until it's him I see.
We both will say 'Hey'
Then we'll talk about anything that seems to fit.
loosing track of time until the bell sounds.
other then a few moment I don't like it here not on bit.
Walking on all new grounds.
lost the other half , working on it.
She sat next to the window seal,
Stared blankly out into the world.
Watching each raindrop until it reach the end of its course.

   She wondered where she went wrong,
What did she do to deserve this?
Why did everything have to happen to her?

   She's the girl with the smile that could light up a room.
   She's the girl with the personality so beautifully unique

   She's the girl with the heart so kind.

   She's the girl that experienced to much pain to realize this about her self.
Broken by the people she thought she could trust.
Eaten up from the inside out, from all the memories.
Lived with her regrets chained to her ankles.

   She cried to herself every night.
Feeling stuck. wishing for a way out.
But never found one..

   She dreamed of someone you only see in movies.
someone to wrap her up with comfort, and care for her.
That person hasn't come..

But little did she know..

   She's the girl everyone loved.

   She's the girl everyone wanted to be around.

   She's the girl no one could ever forget.

   She was to blinded to realize that these things were true. no matter how many times she heard them, she'd never  fully believe them..

  " She's" me.
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