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digital availability
   around the clock
after a while
begins to feel like
permanent responsibility

your friends expect you
to be online all the time
    whether you like it or not
so they can share with you their daily trivia
of personal condition, discount shopping, their dog’s health,
the children’s good, their problems with their partners,
etcetera etcetera

I know it’s nice to hit a button
and hear the ringing of the other’s phone
the voice responding to your call

it’s fine when there are no alternatives

and yet

somehow the electronic chat
confirms more than redeems
presence of absence of the person

I feel like talking to an avatar
a disembodied voice
that has a virtual existence
yet whose life in the real world
still needs to be asserted
by meeting – and talking –
in a café
or simply on the street
  May 2016 Paul Butters
It's determined not
By your flow of words
Nor the rhymes
That makes a rhythm
Those are countless

It's by the courage
You simply give
To the new ones
For that shows
The love of poetry

Best Poets Are Among Us
It's painful when I don't get encouraged.  Be the great poet and never pass other poet's poems.  Like Or comment,  It Counts
Paul Butters May 2016
It doesn’t really matter to me
How the universe came to be
Or whether God even exists.
I care nothing about kings and queens
Or anyone “in power”.

For I’m “The One”
Who leads this Life.
No-one else but me.
However impressive you are
You still are not Myself.

All that counts are the people and things I Love,
Even Like.
So if you’ve got nothing to offer me
Get on your bike.

No man is an island, so they say.
Yes, I’m not independent in every way.
But I’m an individual who is true to my soul.
To remain unbrainwashed is always my goal.

They try to make us run with the crowd,
Like sheep or lemmings led into the cloud.
It’s Media Hypnosis
Through that gleaming TV.
Only by being ourselves
Will we ever be Free.

Paul Butters
In THAT mood again!
  May 2016 Paul Butters
He was so happy when I was born,
Now I am so happy as he reaches 60,
But I am a bit sad too for he'll get old,
Wiser he gets as he is more ancient,
Wrinkles suit him much better now,
And his face is the cutest paradox,
His childhood is always apparent.

वे बहुत ख़ुश थे जब मैं पैदा हुआ था,
अब मैं बहुत ख़ुश हूँ जब वे हो रहे हैं 60 के,
परंतु वे वृद्ध होंगे तो थोड़ा उदास भी हूँ,
प्रौढ़ावस्था में वे अधिक चतुर हो रहे हैं,
झुर्रियाँ अब बहुत बेहतर लगती हैं,
और उनका चेहरा सबसे प्यारा विरोधाभास है,
उनका बचपन हमेशा प्रत्यक्ष होता है।
My father's birthday is tomorrow on the 12th of May, 2016.

His government service now reaches superannuation and by the end of this month he retires from a highly successful career at ICAR - National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal.

My HP Poem #1070
©Atul Kaushal
  May 2016 Paul Butters
my words:
a parachute,
over your
Earth of
problems -
deflated and
tethered long
before landing
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