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  Sep 2015 Paul Butters
ajit peter
A day begins for the ride
A steel horse by his side
Turn of the key the engine sings
A bird fluttering it's wings
The view ahead laid wide
His heart washed by sea tide
Away from city miles
Far to nature's smiles
Singing a new song
destination unknown and long
To uncharted roads far
Till the night  brings a star
Man and machine soul one to be
My wings my steel horse ride free
  Sep 2015 Paul Butters
Abhishaj Sajeev
The way her eyes play with my mind,
And God said, "she's a different kind".
A deep ocean lies in her hair,
Where I drown in just a stare.

Like the mellow strings of a guitar,
Her music flows to lands afar.
When drops of rain lay on a rose,
I dream ecstatically of holding her close.

I fear of my arms being empty,
But my broken heart feels guilty.
I gave my soul for her to rule,
But she uses it merely as a tool.

Time turned everything upside down,
Compelled my smile to become a frown.
I'm now just a petty attraction for her,
To be worthy of love might take forever.
  Sep 2015 Paul Butters
Dhaye Margaux
There was a story that I once told
Nobody believed me, felt they were so cold
I was hopeless to see a heart made of gold
Who could understand my story ten times fold

There was a woman who smiles in everything
In every moment, every situation that it brings
She was there hiding behind the mask while she sings
Nobody knows her tears, she's holding on to her last string

There was a story that I once cried with you
Now it was just a story to recall when I want to
Seeing us together, strong and faithful as we grow
There was a story, now I can't recall but you.
Back to writing again...
Paul Butters Sep 2015
Is it time
To write a rhyme
Or should I write blank verse?
The meaning of the cosmos beckons me
So maybe my verse should just run free.

What matters is what I have to say,
Before I send you on your way.
We need a world of Peace and Love,
And shouldn’t need guidance from above.

Mother Nature asks for a rhyme
To help preserve her, for all time.
Doing otherwise is just a crime
For which we deserve much more than a fine.

If you don’t believe in God,
Then believe in Good.
And spare the rod,
There’s better use for wood.

Thanks for reading this, my friend,
We have now reached the very end.

Paul Butters

© PB 18\9\2015.
Another early-morning rhyme!
I am not trying to offend anyone but its break my heart.
That those whom worship satan  or self is missing the truth.
Christ has already won the victory on earth as well as heaven.
For those whom put their faith in anything except Christ.
This is why I must not lose sight of what I must do here.
Praying for people eyes to become sincerely open here.
Asking Jesus to save the blind, as well as healing them.
For you are all very important to the true God Jesus the Christ.
Love you all as well and am praying that you become blessed.
  Sep 2015 Paul Butters
Gail Littlefair
We sail through life often without a thought or a care
For a mother and father who have always been there
It's only when you experience sadness and strife
That it comes in a flash the real meaning of life
Because when you are troubled and in the depths of despair
You suddenly find its mum and dad who are there
Picking up the pieces putting your life back together
Coming to your aid in all kinds of weather
We don't often say it and there's no doubt that we should
Thank you we love you were coming out of the wood
This was written for my parents Xmas 1988 and is copyrighted by the author Gail Littlefair
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