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  Feb 2015 Paul Butters
James Jarrett
I didn't even know that I was dead
That my empty veins held no life
And my heart
That engine of my life
Had sputtered to a stop
And become cold
That my bloodied hands
Somewhere in the climb
Had faltered
Lost their grip
And let the rough stone
My hand suddenly clenching
Just an empty fist
I didn't even feel the fall
The rushing wind
Nor even the impact
I didn't even know
Until I looked up at the sky
And it's pearly blue
With quickly fading sight
That I was dead
was a larger thing, not world news, happily,
not somethinhg to chew over.

amongst the colours, the gifts, the tiny cup,
cracked, collectable, among the people
at the friday club is friendship, a bigger

although many of us like smaller items,
we have grown to know that close friends
are a quite very big, important thing in a
life. small life.

Paul Butters Feb 2015
When Rome fell down,
Don Newton with his flashing blade
Took over.

He marched the corridors of Table Tennis power
For more than fifty years.
And graced a multitude of committees with his

As Mister NALGO, Don constructed
A glorious empire
Of countless teams
At many a venue:
Down Pasture Street,
In Weelsby, Yarra, Knoll,
Electric Club,
Saint James...
To name a few.

Amassing titles and cups
From every division
Of the Grimsby League:
A roll of honour too long to recall,
Now stretching to the horizon.

No fancy sponge, reversed rubber,
Or long-pimples for our Don.
Give him a plain old Barna bat,
Devoid of sponge, short-pimples out,
To give that ball a mighty clout.

The simple things in life
Were all he wished:
A pint of mild,
Or game of chess,
Would always go down well.

This table tennis granddad knows the score,
And takes his leisure now,
Contented as
The sun goes down.

Paul Butters
Dedicated to my old friend Don, who passed away in the early hours of 9\2\2015. Actually composed when he retired from serious involvement with table tennis in 2009. Have slightly amended it tonight, hopefully for the better.
  Feb 2015 Paul Butters
I look out from this little world
with all it's dancers dancing

Mighty trees tickle the sky
The birds in them romancing

If we but stop and listen
we'll hear the music playing

Stop a while and close your eyes
exhale the troubles weighing

Down around your shoulders
Thoughts that cloud your heart

We're only here but for a while
Before we drift apart

Like clouds across the silver moon
we're here and gone far too soon

Then pass into the inky night
Still around, yet out of sight

Some of our clouds stretch for miles
Others stacked in fragile piles

Some full and dark and hanging low
Filled with tears they can't let go

Some so wispy and so light
Their presence a mere oversight

Some whose wrath begets a name
Who form a mighty hurricane

Some who rumble in the night
Hurling lightening left and right

Some dark and brooding, filled with snow
Dumping ice on all below

Some that twist right to the ground
Violently they spin around

Some collide, some drift away
Some prefer night, some prefer day

So let us stop and gaze up high
To find ourselves within the sky
Just looking out the window, yearning to be free
  Feb 2015 Paul Butters
Sometimes we forget who we are momentarily
Sometimes we forget for a lifetime
Sometimes we close our eyes at night and hope that it's the last time

Chances are the Sun will rise
Sparkling like a white wine
Somewhere in the dark of night, you're lonley fingers found mine

Sometimes we break each others hearts
Sometimes we are the lifeline
Sometimes I think we built our love right above the fault line

Sometimes one of us will slip
Eventually we'll realign
Impossible to pull away, break apart, unentwine

Sometimes we really aren't okay
Even though we say we're fine
Sometimes the pain behind the smile, is the only warning sign

Sometimes we wish for yesterday
But to the present we're confined
Slipping into disarray, watching as we're left behind
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