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A carpenter found driftwood
From a wreck upon the sea
He looked at it with interest
What kind would it be?

He found that it was oaken
Mighty, strong and hale
But it had been broken
By tempest and by gale

He was building houses
From such sturdy oak
So he took the driftwood
Upon it for to work

He carved with sharpened chisels
He began to sand
He had red, raw cuts of pain
And splinters in his hands

He worked with it patiently
Imposed on it his will
It will be something wondrous
He's working on it still

He loves that piece of driftwood
He salvaged from the sea
For the Carpenter is Jesus

And that piece of wood is ME

(C) 6/23/2016
Jesus has had to work pretty ******* me. I'm still rough around the edges, but I'm being sanded smooth. It is a painful process I assure you. But when I look back to what I was even 3 years ago I'm in awe of what he's done.

Thank you for loving me and all my flaws. I may not be what I should be but I'm better than I used to be by far!
wish me luck she said,
as she flew away to find a new home.
I watched her wings flutter,
and waved my hand to bid her farewell.
I wonder to this day,
if she found the place she was longing.
But one thing I am sure of,
there’s no place she can’t dwell.
I should of kept my mouth shut.
I should of stayed away.
because now im down here.
in the basement.
in the cause of the dreaded tapping.
and the smell was the curious girl before me.
 Jun 2016 Paridhi Sharma
My body is a thunderstorm
Pounding hearts
Voltage lies behind my eyes
Electric stares
Power hides in heavy head
Wattage smile

My soul is alive
At wind's mercy
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