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As this chapter ends and a new one begins,
I will once again disappear.
From your lives...
And from your memories.

Never again will our paths meet,
Never again will you hear my name,
Never again will we share in these words;

I am grateful for the time we shared.
So long friend.
Can love suffice,
my breaking ice, heart.
Sometimes so bright,
others whisper of my light,
without presence of a cloud,
facade premises allowed,
darkness innate,
tis sins fate,
to worry and strife with only pre-assumed might,
lovers fight.

Can seasons conceal,
realistic reals?
fading blossom and bloom,
twelve full moons.
Leaves rustle and brown,
people age and clown,
we live, we hope,
for a way around the moat,
to gain castles entry,
in this new century,
to proceed without fear,
behind technological austere,
expression both grave,
and brave, crave, gave, grave, slave..

why do we revolve,
around loves sweet resolve?
If you want to be heard
 May 2014 Paridhi Sharma
Poetic T
I feel life in my hands and
sickens me, I feel my hands
tighten as to grip this life
to squeeze it out to bleed
it out.

I cant bare to look to see this
life I want to end it but I cant
do it, i must live with myself

To weak to end my self, to end
this torment, this life that flows
through me. I look at my self it
sickens me but for now life with
still beat within me.
you are like the song
i keep replaying
and can't stop
the words too precious
too fall from my lips

so i hum them
the way the rain did
above us
that one day
and i smile
when people ask
what i'm singing
because i don't think
they'll ever know
Listen to me Aiden, and listen to me well
Don't say goodbye, 'cause you love her like hell
You know that she's everything to you,
So listen to me; here is what you do,
Find her and tell her how perfect she is
tell her quickly, before she is his.
You need her, you love, you really do
Why would you let anything stop you?
She is your light, your life, your love
Swear to me Aiden, upon god above
You won't give up on her, won't say goodbye
At least not until you give this a try
She is your everything, she's perfect to you
and tell her you still love her, 'cause I know you do.
A letter to me, for later, for the next time something like that happens and I get close to losing her
 Apr 2014 Paridhi Sharma
Liz Anne
I need a place
of color
like wind-whipped prayer flags
and I need
who will think of me
when the skies
grey. I've known familial
love and I've felt needed --at least
for what they call
my empathetic ability. Now I'm just left
what's the use
of being the spoke needed to make the wheel
if I never really needed
the wheel
to get where I wanted to go.
The only thing
something round as I
is a little breeze but I've been
left watching the wheel
without me. I've been left
breezes carry feathers
far --and much too high
to even nudge me.

                                                           ­                                       I asked
                                                           ­                                       to be a kite but
                                                             ­                                     even kites

                                                      ­                                            the fickle breeze
Sea breeze carrying scents
From foreign fields.
Blossoming sympathies reaching
Out over the fences of Lafayette
Forest breath rustling leaves with
Faint animal musk and the
Serenity of centuries.
Still nothing smells quite like a
Young woman; bare feet and towel
Draped- fresh from
OK, I’m working at Supreme Office -
right -
and we got this colleague of mine
(yeah, what’s his name? – Luke, right -
optimistic, high-achiever, destined
to the top of the Corporate Ladder)
and he’s observed me
and he nudges me at the coffee-corner:
“Hey, Sam…why don’t you, mate,
do what can be done today
instead of pushing it off till tomorrow?”

And I say:
*“Well, just on the possibility
I might be sacked today
so I don’t have to do what I
position for tomorrow”
poem based on an existing joke - online, and in life
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