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come to me tonight ...

come to me tonight...

come to my dreams ...

as i created you every night ...

come to me there ...

i will give you more love...

will give you as always ...

much hugs and kisses ...

come to me ...

i'm waiting you every night ...

come to me my angel ...

to wake up all my brain's cell ...

and to make together ...

all kind of love ...

to make it as we both need ...

as the fantasy ...

which we both dreamed ...

come babe come...

lets get a great true love ...

through our souls ...

and a ***** mind ...

come babe ride me ...

ride me ...

as i desire also ...

to ride you ...

oh babe oh ...

i wanna you ...

so crazy i am ...

so madly about you ...

and always for you ...

oh babe ...

come to me ...

i wanna you ...

i wanna to ride you ...

i wanna you ...

to ride me ...

so hot so fast ...

til we both ...

feel a happiness ...

and craziness ...

one to the other ...

come babe come ...

your body kills me ...

so hard i am ...

with a hard part ...

you will like so much ...

come and ride me ...

tonight ...

i'm waiting you ...

love you babe ...

hazem al ...
I met a man in a playful tune
Who had a thought I thought I knew
He said to me goo goo g'joob
Does anything sound more real to you

We were out standing in a field
With fresh strawberries dancing at our heels
In a moment a bit to surreal
Continue on Bungalow Bill

We moved past a four man line
As we slipped into dream #9
Being there for the benefit of Mr. Kite
When Lucy and her diamonds fell from the sky

A day in the life left tragically
Our mystery tour on a yellow submarine
The revolution of love has now left the building
In a puddle of memories out on the street

She held your hand to comfort you
The color of love now the color of blue
Till the bitter end you sang passion true
Goodbye to you Goo goo g'joob...

John Lennon 10/9/40-12/8/80
Still remember the exact spot I was standing when I heard the tragic  news....
Phone cord
Across her stomach
Fingers twining
In singular desire.
Her lover hems
Her lover haws
The tighter she grip
The tighter her patience
As he speaks
The weak excuses
Of unfaithfulness
Not tonight
Not now my dear
I can't get away
I can't see you today
She slowly
Slips the communicator
To its cradle
His voice a constant
Mockery of her indulgence
And she says
Not tonight
Not tonight
He barely hears
The disconnect
A look to the phone
and a shrug.
Not tonight will he get away
Not tongiht will she stay
The car she drives
Takes her right there
The door she knocks on
Opens to his face
Anger ensues
Fear replaces as she shows him
Her intentions
He's gone
Not tonight
Will her patience be tested.
I remember the summer holidays.
The heat intense without air conditioning.
Our days passed by on that old swing set,
weather beaten to a faded green.
We’d build houses out of boxes
our mother would never let us take home.
My sister called your home “the fun house”.
I would say “plastic fantastic”.
We’d build vintage dirt bikes in the garage,
eat apple pies for dessert,
and fall asleep beneath the peach tree.

I remember the escape,
when home was too violent.
You once told me you stopped drinking
so you could always be there when we needed you.
And you were.
To distract.
To listen.
To protect.

I remember the way you cradled me that night
as blood flowed from my wounds,
and the way you sat beside me in the hospital for hours
and never complained.
To distract.
To listen.
To understand.

I remember your chair
and the sadness I felt when we were not there.
My mind riddled with images of you in that house,
lonely and alone.
I knew your heart ached. I felt it.
I knew your smile a façade. I saw it.
Overworked for a life that never came to be.
Groundhogs day for 13 years.

I remember that shipping container in the driveway,
accumulating your possessions
I remember the brisk autumn morning
driving you to the train station
with your makeshift bag from rope, tape and plastic.
The weight of the grief that fell from my eyes
too heavy to hold.
I remember how you walked away,
and never looked back.

Here, I stand in the wooden doorway
of the house now empty.
The memories pounding against the walls.
Your chair remains in the corner.
It still smells of you.
Words of love fall from my lips
and I close the door,
to what was,
and what is
no longer.
Riddle me this my friend sweet
Look at my face, every day we meet
Thirteen the number You cant find
Who am I tell me do, what i have in mind

Riddle me this my friend sweet
I come with a friend to light the heat
Scratch my head I turn dark
Tell me now to earn your mark

Riddle me this my friend sweet
Waiting for you with a fleet
Bringing joy in the night
Try to count me you wont get it right

Riddle me this my friend sweet
Let us go for a  walk in the street
Let me lift you to the sky high
Romeos in the street to give a sigh

The riddles over my friend sweet
Find the answer I give a treat
If you can do not run
Tell it to others and share the fun
She's the type of precious flower
That grows well,
And thrives,
In nature's sacred rich earth,

Each new blessed morning
She reaches out to the sunslight -
She knows its energy is responsible
For her daily blessed rebirth.

She's the type of precious flower
That grows to her full potential
After a heavy rain,

She can handle the wild winds -
She can handle a little roughness,
And a little bit of pain.

She's the type of precious flower
Who does not compete,
Or compare herself,
With any other flower,

She knows her worth,
And she is comfortable
Being herself -
This is her special superpower.

She's the type of precious flower
That possesses a rare uniqueness -
An original beauty,
Inside and out,

She prides herself
In living for the joy of life,
She is grateful
For the simplicities in life -
And for being blessed
With the gift of life;
For being chosen to sprout.

By Lady R.F ©2016
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