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 May 2014 Wolf Irwin
Fiona Crouch
Falling deeper into this pit of despair
Clawing, fighting a way out
Why does it seem so hard?
Plagued with pity and self-doubt!

Dark, scared and lonely is my life
Seemingly endless days of pain
Who will help me?
Strident cries for release in vain!

Daylight beckons on the far horizon
Just a flicker of life giving light
Come to rescue me?
From this my life’s plight!

So onward and upward steadily
Clutching at eternal hope
Is it my time?
Please, someone, help me to cope!
The last time I sat down with myself
was in the sink
in the dark
penetrating the only creative train I could find.
Coal, cargo...
Robbing words so I didn't have to think
or explain the difference between
'deeming' language and
'demon' language.
From my perspective in the sink,
the retouching of morals
is all circumstantial
because maybe tomorrow I'll save the fire
instead of the human,
you know, save the fire from the human.
That way, I don't have to decide
who's going to burn.
Will we know,
When we say goodbye,
That it is goodbye?
Or will it be just like any other day
Saying goodbye
Thinking I know
That I will see your face again
When I won’t
When I’ll never hear your voice again
And you’ll never hear mine
Will we know
When everything we are stops existing?
Will we know?
A dove flies over
the stone angel...

feather drifts down.

Soul Survivor
Sorry that I have been gone for so long!  Techno problem. It's good to be back!
 May 2014 Wolf Irwin
I will write you songs
Songs that match the pitch of your beating heart

I will write you stories
Stories that explain the love you left at my feet

I will play games
Games that are played just like the way you kissed me

But I will also sing, dance, and run
Because I am better now
Than I ever was
With you
another kiss forgotten
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