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ella Oct 2014
i loved you with all that i had.
i gave you all i had to give.
now i’m left with nothing… yet i’m still here loving you.
ripping off my limbs, tearing at my skin.
here you go, take it all.
take my heart, take my brain.
take my eyes, and my hands.
i will fade to nothing, fade to dust.
just please don’t forget me.
i gave you all i had to give.
all i had to offer.
i'm gone now, but you’re still living.
that’s all i ever wanted.
ella Oct 2014
how does she feel from the inside, my love? does she feel as though she was plucked from a branch? a fruit perhaps? she's a peach, isn't she? she's soft, fuzzy and warm? wet perhaps when you go deep?

how did it feel to have her gripping your manlyhood, well? how did it feel to have her grasping everything that was inside of me. everything i thought was mine. that was then was temporarily hers.

i want to know if your 10 minutes of pleasure was worth an eternity of suffering. i want to know if she was better than me? was she? was she? well lover, was she ******* better than me?

it doesn't matter now, for i will drag my nails down somebody else's back. i will choke on somebody else's shaft. i will care for somebody else way more than i did you. i will be respected and held on a higher level then you ever held me on. you dangled me, you did.

was she worth it? was she? i ******* hate peaches.
ella Oct 2014
what did you think was going to happen flower child?
i may have been in the back of his mind at the moment but my name will forever and always be engraved on his lips.
really there’s nothing you can do about it.
you can try and pretend like there was something there, embellish what you thought you had… but regardless of what he whispered to you i am his favorite flower in the garden.
he left me to grow happily.
he let me grow into something beautiful.
though i resent him for picking you, i know you (a flower that has been picked) will soon die and wilt along with whatever love you thought was there.
just as the other flowers have died away.
i stay remaining, beautiful and ripe.
he will love me eternally, and might not ever pick me from the earth but i know he will come back to the garden everyday to water me and care for me. he wants me to live and be happy.
as for you he kept you for the time he had, he admired your beauty and scent… but you soon will return to the dirt where you belong for raking me of my happiness.

— The End —