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A wine bottle
filled with keys
is all I drink.
I never cared
for the bitter,
sick taste of
old grapes,
taunting me.
But the bottle
fits nicely
in my hand
and I enjoy
the tang of
on my tongue,
reminds me
of the blood
I used to draw
when you got
Lip torn,
to kiss, or not.
To speak, or
be silent.
The keys,
I find them
in crevices
of other
lives, after
they've released
what had to be
locked away.
The edges cut
on the
Some part of me
is still soft, now
I can prove it
with the blood
I've coughed up.
Paint this truth
deep wine red,
with spare keys
jangling loudly
in my stomach
like the nerves
of my body, if
you'd listen to me.
But now when I
speak, you hear
You’re done
kissing me
and I taste
salt. Tears.
Still drinking
sharp keys from
a wine bottle,
hoping they unlock
something inside.

**V. K.
Of all the people you could curl up to at night
You chose me
Between the hours of twelve and one
sleep comes upon my head

and should I not doze off outright
I make prepared for bed

and every night I do the same
with flossed and brushèd teeth

the coffee *** is timed to brew,
sleep setting on T.V.

There's little more a man could do
inside so small a space

with front door locked, and lights turned out
I tend to end my days.

Yet there's one thing I leave unchecked
and do so knowingly:

The Peephole in my ten'ment door
does seem to stare at me.

But never shall I look again,
not through that small inlet,

because one fateful night I did,
and now I can't forget.

It was a night without a mark
to make it stand apart—

I thought about the coming day
while walking through the dark.

And without thought, I stole a glance
outside onto the street

and through the peephole, there it stood
just staring right at me.

If somehow it could sense my gaze,
I really could not say—

with heart in mouth, I held my breath
and tried to slink away.

I crept in bed and pulled the sheets
around my trembling frame

and sat upright, until the night
did give way to the day.

A knock upon my door at nine
aroused me from my state

"Delivery!" a voice called out—
no longer could I wait.

I sprang from bed, my nightclothes on
and toward the door I ran

and without looking, opened
hoping I would see a friend.

Instead I looked around in shock,
for nobody was there—

no package left upon my stoop,
and silence in the air.

And as I went to close the door,
a wind began to blow,

a wind that whispered secrets that
no man should ever know.

I went inside, and horrified,
I knew I'd paid a toll,

and nevermore could I feel safe
to look from my peephole.
 Jul 2015 Oneof Thesedays
kim bye
every thursday i sit by the pool
all day
i drink beer, and look up at the sky
(sometimes i count helicopters)
people in the building stop by to chat
i don't tell them that i'm constantly bored
that i'm afraid i will die alone

when the sun goes down we're drunk
and i go back into my apartment
they stay outside, drinking
all night
i listen to them talk,
and sometimes i watch through the peephole

every now and then
these three blond girls show up
i'm not sure who they know in the building
but they are beautiful and dumb
and they are yapping along in baby-voices
i wanna **** all of them at the same time,
or at least one of them

but i'm afraid
drunk, and lonely, and bored
i'm the guy looking through the peephole
the guy counting helicopters
so instead i go to bed
wide awake and ashamed

— The End —