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2.2k · Aug 2018
Love Rhymes
Shylee W Aug 2018
Happiness is the touch of my fingertip on your bowed-out lip.  
It’s the way that trying something new doesn’t feel like a monster with you.
It's letting the world have me, arms open, falling. Without censorship.

It’s breathing into the world, past the artificial growth of moist woodchips,  
And instead, to toppling trees and roaring forest fires that are sometimes considered overdue.
Happiness is the touch of my fingertip on your bowed-out lip.  

Sometimes things have to die to be made anew. Like an eclipse.
That’s how it feels with you.  
So new that I’m rhyming in my poetry. Like a horror story. . . without censorship.

Happiness is the touch of my fingertip on your bowed-out lip  
Or a framed portrait of a happy ending, but drawn only in baby blue.
I’m holding the feeling on my chest and watching you cradle it like a silk slip

Or a baby birds nest. You might drop it
And if you did, I wouldn’t blame you.  
That’s what unconditional feels like. Without censorship.

Mine turned yours, then turned sour, with every hour, spent split
And that empty void, of a screen, in between, everything you're deaf to.
The world gives me back, curled up and broken bit by bit.
Happiness is the touch of your fingertip on my bowed-out lip.
473 · Aug 2018
February 8, 2016
Shylee W Aug 2018
My hearts a grave and its abysmal.
I live my life inside out, showing people the hollowness of my innards before they dare touch me.
I have nothing left to give, nothing left to grieve.
I’m an embodiment of the word emptied.
Don’t touch me.
I could spoil you, turn your insides black. Rot your center and watch you crawl away slack limbed and jawless.
Diseases aren’t made, they’re born.
Don’t forget that.
286 · Aug 2018
Shylee W Aug 2018
A brisk wind pulls the rosemary branches
Too hard. A crow so dark it finds itself blue
Sings a taunting melody. Nothing ever sings back.
Snow falls, each one showing the world
Something new. The ground fosters dead things
And waits for rebirth. A girl in a yellow puffer coat
Walks by a fallen bird's nest, she doesn't notice
The boy with the dark hood following
A step too close. If only the sky
Weren't so gray. The rotting aspen seems
To tilt, putting the world on an axis. Silence
Is met with wandering hands as the snow
Pulls all the ambiance into mudded soil.
Only the scuffle of footprints is left to tell
The story of that coldness.
A crow so dark it finds itself blue
Sings a reassuring melody.




248 · Aug 2018
Crystalized Demons
Shylee W Aug 2018
Your yelling reverberates off the car windows,
so loud,
I can picture them cracking.
I've pulled my body far away rom yours
and locked a trembling fist around the door handle.
It's a precaution beaten into me  
since I was ten.
I know he is never you, but faces morph
And you're turning into a monster.

Flashes of everything hit quickly.

The swift slap, miscalculated, and across my ear so hard it burns.
The swift turn of my step as I see your smiling face on a limestone boulder, it cracks at the edge
and your foot slips.
The swift feeling in my gut as I finally turn to you in this rusted 1957 Jeep CJ-5
And realize,
You're not him.

I should speak because my silence is bleeding into you.

And when I finally do,
We're both confronted with our past hurting.

I see your demon and she's dark haired with running fire in her mouth that took away your freedom.
And you see mine,
Who's forty years older than me and only responds to "dad"
When he's not emptied a bottle of dark liqour.
196 · Aug 2018
August 18, 2018
Shylee W Aug 2018
Isolation is a word that haunts the wicked. The flickering of a street light on a smoldering summer night is suddenly a message from the Gods. Don’t jump.

— The End —