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 Nov 2014 Olivia Greene
Life is like Wikipedia.
You start your life on your own,
An idea established.
Then strangers,
People you never encountered before,
Come in,
And shape your life.
Some things are true,
While others, false.
The truth varies,
You are either true to yourself and others,
Either true to yourself but not others,
Not true yourself but true to others,
Or not true to yourself or others.
You choose who to fool.
You can believe that you're being truthful when you're not,
Or not when you're truthful.
Life is like Wikipedia.

Life is like Wikipedia.
Society shapes you,
Your choices,
Your thoughts,
What you like or
What you don't like.
Life is like Wikipedia.

Life is like Wikipedia.
When you believe something,
But you look deeper,
And realize it isn't true,
Or that you thought you believed something,
but had the wrong idea since the beginning.
Or you didn't believe something,
But you realize you do.
Life is life Wikipedia.

Life is like Wikipedia.
If you realize this.
This, and many more.

Life is like Wikipedia.
You add the story. Give me suggestions on what to add to this endless poem. :)
the women of the past keep
there was another yesterday
arrived from out of
she wanted to see
I told her

I don't want to see
I won't see them.
it would be
gruesome and

I know some people who can
watch the same movie
more than

not me.
once I know the
once I know the
whether it's happy or
unhappy or
just plain

for me
that movie is
and that's why
I refuse
to let
any of my
old movies play
over and over again
It's in his shadow we plead
Under his wrath we bleed
His destruction leaks hate into the weak
Leaving the unsubstantial reaping his critique
His actions scorned through years of neglect
It's in his perception only, that we become wrecked
Why do we follow knowing wrong from right
Pushing those we love away from the light
His power is without doubt equal to the greats
Although derived from stray minded it opens the gates
The gates into the souls of those who are tattered
Turning old memories to ones now shattered
Although through it all, we have nothing to fear
For he is nothing more than a broken mirror
It just takes practice to realize his weakness
All his power is nothing to the strong but bleakness
It's in his own prison he will rot
Although it's up to us to become the Juggernaut

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
 Nov 2014 Olivia Greene

In solitude...
There's constant talk of the moon
And incessant wishes upon stars
Each word is cast unto paper
Unsure if they'd stretch that far

In solitude...
I embody pelts of droplets from the sky
As thunder mark the seconds that would elapse
Stagnant puddles of liquid dreams
Ever flowing in endless traps

In solitude...
I feel the urge to lose all balance
Aloneness beckons like a long lost friend
Always strange but familiar
To see and be at the bitter end
 Oct 2014 Olivia Greene
purple flowers
are   a vine

grow in the
words beauty
to paint him

climb a vine
clear through

smell Lavender
and find

 Oct 2014 Olivia Greene
In the Grandest Scheme of Things, the Ego-Sense of Self seems Overinflated.

We are Sparks materialized in prescribed form of Primordial Source...

We are All the Sacred Wounds of her Original Innocence.

The greatest, most Honorable Occupation One can give to this life is the refinement of the Self.

In so doing, the raising vibration affects as ripples in a pond.
Effects Rate of Energetic State of Being~

Everywhere      All Around
Heart - Nothin' At All:
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